I am trying to play YouTube videos in an Android app. I am using YouTubePlayer API and it works well. But the problem is that I want to have this player in the library and if YouTube app is not installed then the movie is not shown and I also have another problem that on some old phones I need to upgrade the YouTube app first. This is a library that other companies will import I do not want to be dependent on version of YouTube app or if user has the YouTube app. How do I gracefully degrade to play videos within the app?
Use the YouTubeIntents class in the Android Player API to gracefully degrade. Here's some sample code to detect what the user can do:
if(YouTubeIntents.isYouTubeInstalled(context)) {
if(YouTubeApiServiceUtil.isYouTubeApiServiceAvailable(context) == YouTubeInitializationResult.SUCCESS) {
// start the YouTube player
YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent((Activity) context, "developer_key", videoId));
} else if(YouTubeIntents.canResolvePlayVideoIntent(context)) {
// Start an intent to the YouTube app
YouTubeIntents.createPlayVideoIntent(context, videoId));
// Falls through: last resort - render a webview with an iframe
We walk through this code in our Google I/O talk from 2013, if you're curious. Start from around 6:17.