How to calculate and plot multiple linear trends for a time series?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-23 03:52:06


Fitting a linear trend to a set of data is straight forward. But how can I fit multiple trend lines to one time series? I define up and down trends as prices above or below a exponential moving average. When the price is above the EMA I need to fit a positive trend and when the trend turns negative a new negative trend line and so forth. In my code below the market_data['Signal'] in my pandas dataframe tells me if the trend is up +1 or down -1.

I'm guessing I need some kind of a loop, but I cannot work out the logic...

import pandas as pd
import as web
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

#Colecting data
market = '^DJI'
end = dt.datetime(2016, 12, 31)
start =, end.month,
market_data = web.DataReader(market, 'yahoo', start, end)

#Calculating EMA and difference
market_data['ema'] = market_data['Close'].ewm(200).mean()
market_data['diff_pc'] = (market_data['Close'] / market_data['ema']) - 1

#Defining bull/bear signal
TH = 0
market_data['Signal'] = np.where(market_data['diff_pc'] > TH, 1, 0)
market_data['Signal'] = np.where(market_data['diff_pc'] < -TH, -1, market_data['Signal'])

To fit the trend lines I wan to use numpy polyfit

x = np.array(mdates.date2num(market_data.index.to_pydatetime()))
fit = np.polyfit(x, market_data['Close'], 1)

Ideally I would like to only plot the trends where the signal last more than n periods.

The result should look something like this:


Here is a solution. min_signal is the number of consecutive signals in a row that are needed to change trend. I imported Seaborn to get a better-looking plot, but it works all the same without that line:

import pandas as pd
import as web
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

#Colecting data
market = '^DJI'
end = dt.datetime(2016, 12, 31)
start =, end.month,
market_data = web.DataReader(market, 'yahoo', start, end)

#Calculating EMA and difference
market_data['ema'] = market_data['Close'].ewm(200).mean()
market_data['diff_pc'] = (market_data['Close'] / market_data['ema']) - 1

#Defining bull/bear signal
TH = 0
market_data['Signal'] = np.where(market_data['diff_pc'] > TH, 1, 0)
market_data['Signal'] = np.where(market_data['diff_pc'] < -TH, -1, market_data['Signal'])

# Plot data and fits

import seaborn as sns  # This is just to get nicer plots

signal = market_data['Signal']

# How many consecutive signals are needed to change trend
min_signal = 2

# Find segments bounds
bounds = (np.diff(signal) != 0) & (signal[1:] != 0)
bounds = np.concatenate(([signal[0] != 0], bounds))
bounds_idx = np.where(bounds)[0]
# Keep only significant bounds
relevant_bounds_idx = np.array([idx for idx in bounds_idx if np.all(signal[idx] == signal[idx:idx + min_signal])])
# Make sure start and end are included
if relevant_bounds_idx[0] != 0:
    relevant_bounds_idx = np.concatenate(([0], relevant_bounds_idx))
if relevant_bounds_idx[-1] != len(signal) - 1:
    relevant_bounds_idx = np.concatenate((relevant_bounds_idx, [len(signal) - 1]))

# Iterate segments
for start_idx, end_idx in zip(relevant_bounds_idx[:-1], relevant_bounds_idx[1:]):
    # Slice segment
    segment = market_data.iloc[start_idx:end_idx + 1, :]
    x = np.array(mdates.date2num(segment.index.to_pydatetime()))
    # Plot data
    data_color = 'green' if signal[start_idx] > 0 else 'red'
    plt.plot(segment.index, segment['Close'], color=data_color)
    # Plot fit
    coef, intercept = np.polyfit(x, segment['Close'], 1)
    fit_val = coef * x + intercept
    fit_color = 'yellow' if coef > 0 else 'blue'
    plt.plot(segment.index, fit_val, color=fit_color)

This is the result:

