Focus on the strong and generic parts.
Let's say I have this extension function:
fun <E> Collection<E>.myContains(item: E) : Boolean {
// quite pointless, I know, but a simple example
return item in this
the intention is to write a function that only accepts types of the collection elements (E
), but this is not validated by the compiler?!
val isItInside: Boolean = listOf(1, 2).myContains("1")
happily compiles. My guess is that E
is inferred to be Any
How can I enforce this restriction within the Kotlin type system/generics?
(Kotlin version 1.3.41)
Original context
An exercise to try to write a small assertion framework. A bit more complicated, but tried to get the simplest repro above.
class Asserter<T>(val value: T)
infix fun <T> T.should(block: Asserter<T>.() -> Unit) =
fun <T : Collection<*>> Asserter<T>.haveSize(size: Int) {
check(this.value.size == size) {
"expecting ${this.value} to be of size $size"
fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Asserter<T>.contain(item: E) {
check(item in this.value) {
"$item does not exist in $item"
class ShouldTest {
@Test fun intList() {
listOf(1, 2) should {
contain("2") // this shouldn't compile
@Test fun stringList() {
listOf("1", "2") should {
contain(1) // this shouldn't compile
This appears to be due to the variance on the Collection
interface's parameter, which is defined as Collection<out E>
This means that Collection<Any>
is a supertype of Collection<E>
, and so (apparently) the Collection<Any>.myContains()
extension can be called on a Collection<Int>
You can confirm this by replacing it with the invariant MutableCollection
(and also the listOf()
with mutableListOf()
); you then get the compile-time ‘Type mismatch’ error as expected.
This surprised me, though. I guess the compiler must infer E
using both the receiver type and the parameter type. (Can anyone confirm this?) And, as you point out, it has the annoying effect of preventing stricter type-safety.
This looks like a solution:
class Asserter<in T>(val value: @UnsafeVariance T)