I've just created an instance using Google Cloud Platform's Compute Engine and tried to connect to it via SSH connection but it failed.
I'm following the quick start here.
I have generated the SSH key on my PC and have entered the pass-phrase when asked. Though I fail to succeed a log in :-(
I got the PuTTY SSH's error as below snapshots.
Then I get the PuTTY window inactive.
I have the same problem but found a workaround to connect via PuTTY manually.
In brief
- Generate SSH key for the machine instance
- Add SSH public key to the instance
- Prepare to log in - acquiring information for IP, login name, pass phrase, private SSH key
- Connect to the instance via SSH client, e.g. PuTTY in Windows
Detail steps
For me the gcloud quick start had already:
- launched my instance
- created my public and private RSA keys (in
Public Key - C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\google_compute_engine.pub
Private Key - C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\google_compute_engine.ppk
- Go to the Google Developers Console in your browser
- Select your project and in the left hand nav bar click: Compute -> Compute Engine -> VM instances
- Your running instance(s) will be linked below the CPU usage chart
- Click the one you want and find the
Add SSH key
link and click it - Paste the entire contents of
into the field that appears - Click Save and after a few seconds the key details will appear on the page (if you get an error you pasted from the wrong key file or didn't copy all the text)
- The first word in those details is your (case sensitive)
- Find the
External IP
above on the page Open PuTTY and paste the external IP into Host Name (port is the default of 22)
In the left hand nav expand: Connection -> SSH and then click Auth
- Next to "Private key file for authentication" click "Browse"
- Select "C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\google_compute_engine.ppk" and click Open
- Scroll the left hand nav back up and click the top item "Session"
- Under "Saved Sessions" enter a name and click "Save"
- Accept the warning message and you should be prompted to login with the
from above step - Input your passphrase
- Done
Hope this helps. If someone has a solution for the gcloud issue I'd love to hear it too.
A non-discussed answer is that you should have at least the standard memory on your VM instance (3.75GB) - do NOT use Micro VM instances.
I could only log in with SSH via browser console or gcloud command line, but not with Putty or Mac terminal SSH. I spent an hour on the phone with support and we found this to be the problem.
To get identified by ssh you need to run this command, which add gcloud ssh key in the list of ssh keys
ssh-add google_compute_engine C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\
You can also connect to your VM instance using embedded in-browser SSH client, see here for how to do that. That's pretty much a couple of mouse click to do.
Not sure why, if the user already existed (eg: already SSH logged in google web console), it doesn't work when I manually added SSH keys into metadata on google web console. I have tried hundred of times from the steps below.
I found out you have to manually add your ssh key through web SSH CONSOLE -> ssh in on google web console and copy ssh pub key on your local machine (usually is in ~/.ssh/) and append (edit and paste to the end) it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
1) SSh into the vm by cloud console.
2) Change the root password sudo passwd
3) set below parameters to yes by nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication PermitRootLogin PasswordAuthentication
4) restart sshd service sshd restart