I am creating a cv using "twentysecondcv" class. I am using predefined "cvname" element to write name but its a little bit larger and crossing the profile region(left side region). I am using like this.
\cvname{MY Name Here}
I want to make font size small so that it can fit into profile region. I tried to create new command (cvfname) like this.
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvfname}{}}{}{\fontsize{} & \cvfname\\}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvfname}{}}{}{\fontsize{8}{10}\mdseries\upshape & \cvfname\\}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvfname}{}}{}{\fontsize{8}{10}\mdseries\upshape & \cvfname\\}
Where am I doing wrong? How to do that ? Please Help.