I have a Java project that runs from the command line. It is using Spring. At the current time my project is mySQL. Use can see from the config.xml below
<bean id="mysqldataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
<property name="url" value="mysqldataSource.url" />
<property name="username" value="mysqldataSource.username" />
<property name="password" value="mysqldataSource.password" />
My firm is asking me to change the project from using MySQL to use a JNDI Data source.
Below is my java code with you can see is using jdbcTemplate:
public class DisasterReliefMySQLImpl extends JdbcTemplate implements
DisasterReliefMySQL {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DisasterReliefMySQLImpl.class
String querySQL;
int counter = 0;
public int getCounter() {
return counter;
private String getQuerySQL() {
return querySQL;
private void setQuerySQL(String querySQL) {
this.querySQL = querySQL;
DisasterReliefMySQLImpl(DataSource ds) {
DisasterReliefMySQLImpl(DataSource ds, String querySQL) {
public int updateDonation(String id) {
Long eTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
String updateSQL = "update uft_donation set sent_to_mbs="
+ eTime.toString() + " where donation_id =" + id;
return (int) this.update(updateSQL);
public List<Donation> returnResults() {
log.debug("Starting returnResults...");
List<Donation> Donations = new ArrayList<Donation>();
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.queryForList(getQuerySQL());
counter = 0;
for (Map row : rows) {
Donation d = new Donation();
d.setDonationID((Long) row.get("donation_id"));
d.setCCTransactionNumber((String) row.get("txn_id"));
d.setProgramCode((String) row.get("gl_code"));
d.setLastName((String) row.get("billing_last_name"));
d.setFirstName((String) row.get("billing_first_name"));
d.setAmount((String) row.get("mc_gross"));
d.setAddressLine1((String) row.get("billing_street1"));
d.setAddressLine2((String) row.get("billing_street2"));
d.setCity((String) row.get("billing_city"));
d.setState((String) row.get("zone_code"));
d.setZipCode((String) row.get("billing_postal_code"));
d.setCountry((String) row.get("country_name"));
log.debug(counter + " Donation(s) loaded");
return Donations;
Can someone please tell me how to change this to use a JNDI datasource. Also do I need a JNDI service somewhere for the database pooling?? We have JBoss AS7 with datasources in it can I use that from outside JBoss??
Found this searching the web for "jboss external jndi"
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