Substituting shell variables into awk pattern looking scanning through file

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-21 18:55:34


NOTE: I am a noob at bash scripts and the awk command - please excuse any dumb mistakes I make.

I am unable to substitute shell variables into my awk pattern. I am trying to scan through a file, find the first occurence of a specific string in the file, and print each line that succeed it in order until it hits an empty string/line.

I don't know the string I am searching for in advance, and I would like to substitute in that variable.

When I run this with the string directly specified (e.g "< main>:"), it works perfectly. I've already searched on how awk patterns work, and how to substitute in variables. I've tried using the -v flag for awk, directly using the shell variable - nothing works.


awk=`awk -v FN="$funcName" '/FN/,/^$/' "$ofile"`


echo -e "$awk" > "$rfile"

The error is just that nothing prints. I want to print all the lines between my desired string and the next empty line.


Could you please try following, haven't tested it because no clear samples but should work.

awk_result=$(awk -v FN="$funcName" 'index($0,FN){found=1} found; /^$/{found=""}' "$ofile")
echo -e "$awk_result" > "$rfile"

Things fixed in OP's attempt:

  1. NEVER keep same name of a variable as a binary's name or on a keyword's name so changed awk variable name to awk_result.
  2. Use of backticks is depreciated now, so always wrap your variable for having values in var=$(......your commands....) fixed it for awk_result variable.
  3. Now let us talk about awk code fix, I have used index method which checks if value of variable FN is present in a line then make a FLAG(a variable TRUE) and make it false till line is empty as per OP's ask.

