replace ereg_replace with preg_replace [duplicate]

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-27 13:45:32

To port ereg_replace to preg_replace you need to put the regex between a pair of delimiter

Also your regx is [\] is invalid to be used for preg_replace as the \ is escaping the closing char class ]

The correct port is


Also since the char class has just one char there is no real need of char class you can just say:


Since you are replace just a single char, using regex for this is not recommended. You should be using a simple text replacement using str_replace as:


But I seriously doubt you need that replace at all. most likely you need some other operation.
What is this replace for?

preg_replace("/\\\/", "", $theData);

I used this sed to automatically replace ereg_replace by preg_replace and put the required slashes in. Assumes no \" in the first regex

 sed -i 's#ereg_replace("\([^"]*\)"#preg_replace("/\1/"#g' *.php