ZJOI2019Day2的温暖题,然后考场上只会大常数的\(O(n\log^3 n)\),就懒得写拿了60pts走人
离线之后就是套路的线段树合并了,然后中间转移有一个求\(\operatorname{LCA}\)的过程,用欧拉序+RMQ即可做到\(O(n\log n)\)的复杂度
#include<cstdio> #include<cctype> #include<vector> #define RI register int #define CI const int #define Tp template <typename T> #define pb push_back using namespace std; const int N=200005; struct edge { int to,nxt; }e[N<<1]; vector <int> tag[N]; long long ans; int head[N],n,m,cnt,x,y,rt[N],dfn[N],anc[N],dep[N],idx; inline void addedge(CI x,CI y) { e[++cnt]=(edge){y,head[x]}; head[x]=cnt; e[++cnt]=(edge){x,head[y]}; head[y]=cnt; } class FileInputOutput { private: static const int S=1<<21; #define tc() (A==B&&(B=(A=Fin)+fread(Fin,1,S,stdin),A==B)?EOF:*A++) char Fin[S],*A,*B; public: Tp inline void read(T& x) { x=0; char ch; while (!isdigit(ch=tc())); while (x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(ch&15),isdigit(ch=tc())); } #undef tc }F; #define to e[i].to class Euler_Order_On_Tree { private: static const int P=18; int f[N<<1][P],log[N]; inline int mindep(CI x,CI y) { return dep[x]<dep[y]?x:y; } inline void swap(int& x,int& y) { int t=x; x=y; y=t; } public: inline void DFS(CI now,CI fa=0) { anc[now]=fa; dep[now]=dep[fa]+1; f[++idx][0]=now; dfn[now]=idx; for (RI i=head[now];i;i=e[i].nxt) if (to!=fa) DFS(to,now),f[++idx][0]=now; } inline void init(void) { RI i,j; for (log[0]=-1,i=1;i<=idx;++i) log[i]=log[i>>1]+1; for (j=1;j<P;++j) for (i=1;i+(1<<j)-1<=idx;++i) f[i][j]=mindep(f[i][j-1],f[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]); } inline int getLCA(int x,int y) { if (!x||!y) return 0; x=dfn[x]; y=dfn[y]; if (x>y) swap(x,y); int k=log[y-x+1]; return mindep(f[x][k],f[y-(1<<k)+1][k]); } }T; class Segment_Tree { private: static const int P=25; struct segment { int ch[2],mi,mx,size; }node[N*P]; int c[N*P],tot; #define lc(x) node[x].ch[0] #define rc(x) node[x].ch[1] #define L(x) node[x].mi #define R(x) node[x].mx #define S(x) node[x].size inline void pushup(CI now) { S(now)=S(lc(now))+S(rc(now))-dep[T.getLCA(R(lc(now)),L(rc(now)))]; L(now)=L(lc(now))?L(lc(now)):L(rc(now)); R(now)=R(rc(now))?R(rc(now)):R(lc(now)); } public: inline void modify(int& now,CI p,CI mv,CI l=1,CI r=idx) { if (!now) now=++tot; if (l==r) return (void)(c[now]+=mv,S(now)=c[now]?dep[p]:0,L(now)=R(now)=c[now]?p:0); int mid=l+r>>1; if (dfn[p]<=mid) modify(lc(now),p,mv,l,mid); else modify(rc(now),p,mv,mid+1,r); pushup(now); } inline void merge(int& x,CI y,CI l=1,CI r=idx) { if (!x||!y) return (void)(x|=y); if (l==r) return (void)(c[x]+=c[y],S(x)|=S(y),L(x)|=L(y),R(x)|=R(y)); int mid=l+r>>1; merge(lc(x),lc(y),l,mid); merge(rc(x),rc(y),mid+1,r); pushup(x); } inline int query(CI now) { return S(now)-dep[T.getLCA(L(now),R(now))]; } #undef lc #undef rc #undef L #undef R #undef S }SEG; inline void DFS(CI now,CI fa=0) { for (RI i=head[now];i;i=e[i].nxt) if (to!=fa) DFS(to,now); for (int it:tag[now]) SEG.modify(rt[now],it,-1); ans+=SEG.query(rt[now]); SEG.merge(rt[anc[now]],rt[now]); } #undef to int main() { //freopen("CODE.in","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout); RI i; for (F.read(n),F.read(m),i=1;i<n;++i) F.read(x),F.read(y),addedge(x,y); for (T.DFS(1),T.init(),i=1;i<=m;++i) { F.read(x); F.read(y); int fa=T.getLCA(x,y); SEG.modify(rt[x],x,1); SEG.modify(rt[x],y,1); SEG.modify(rt[y],x,1); SEG.modify(rt[y],y,1); tag[fa].pb(x); tag[fa].pb(y); tag[anc[fa]].pb(x); tag[anc[fa]].pb(y); } return DFS(1),printf("%lld",ans>>1LL),0; }