how to plot non-standard contour plots in R (or Matlab)

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-16 08:47:09


I would like to plot in R following contour plots representing two dimensional cumulative distributon functions (CDF)

A CDF in 2 or more dimensions is not unique (Lopes et al. The two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that's why there are 4 alternative plots (and probably some more).

So far I have no R/Matlab code to show. I don't think it's difficult but most likely very time consuming. There might out there something I could use.

EDIT Type 1 & 4 are more or less covered, but any help with 2 & 3 would be really appreciated.

EDIT2 Types 2 & 3 using geom_rect - as simple as it gets! The sequence of recangles is ordered wrt the eucleadian distance of the data. This means, if we assume this generic ordering, there is possibly only one version of defining a 2D CDF instead of two. That would confirm the statement of Lopes et al.and other that there are only 2^N-1 (here 3) ways to define the CDF. Any thoughts?

