Error “validator is undefined” occured when edit drop down list using jEditable

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-16 04:22:33


I am using jeditable to do inline edit for my table. In my table i can edit text, datepicker and also dropdown.

However, when i edit the dropdown, i will get error in firebug:

validator is undefined
[Break On This Error] validator.settings[eventType] && v...ype].call(validator, this[0], event); 

Error is occured at either jquery.validate.js or jquery.js

However, I did not call any validate method when I edit my drop down list.

Following is the code to declare jeditable for dropdown:

  // Drop down
    $('.dropdown').editable('@(Url.Action("Edit", "Stock"))',
        data: getFoodTypesList(),
        type: 'select',
        indicator: 'saving...',
        event: 'dblclick',
        //tooltip: 'Double click to edit...',
        style: 'inherit',
        width: '240px',
        submit: '<img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Add_in_Images/ok.png")" alt="ok"/>',
        cancel: '<img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Add_in_Images/cancel.png")" alt="cancel"/>',
        // Use callback function to assign display text for the field after edit
        callback: function (value, settings) {
            var temp = getFoodTypeName(value);
                async: false,
                url: '@(Url.Action("GetStockTable", "Stock"))',
                type: 'GET',
                success: function (result) {


Error occur everytime i click on the dropdown to select an option. Any idea what is the cause? Or is there anyway I can "by pass" the somehow auto validation for the dropdown?

Please help... thank you very much...


Error shown in IE Developer Tool is different:

 'settings' is null or not an object

And it points to this line:

 // Datepicker
        type: 'datepicker',
        indicator: 'saving...',

which is the jeditable for datepicker field... I cant see why is it related...


This error happens when we place jEditable control inside of another form with jquery validation enabled on it. The reason for this is that jEditable itself creates a form and so you end up with one form inside of another one.

To disable validation on elements of a child form I've added the following line of code in "jquery.jeditable.js" script file right after the line

var form = $('<form />');


                  ignore: ":input"


The error seems gone when I remove the

@using BeginForm

from my table...

I could not remember why am I including that but so far it still work fine without it.. I guess the error is triggered by the "default" validation apply to anything in the form tag..

Any comments and feedbacks are still welcomed and appreciated.. Thanks....

