I'm trying to figure out how to get localized error messages when a validation error occurs.
My domain object looks like this:
public class Lead {
@Email(message = "{email_error_message}")
String emailAddress;
My Controller looks like this:
public @ResponseBody String create(@Valid Lead lead, BindingResult result) {
log.debug("In POST!");
FieldError fieldError = result.getFieldError("emailAddress");
return fieldError.getDefaultMessage();
log.debug("Email = " + lead.getEmailAddress());
catch(DataAccessException ex)
log.debug("Oh OH...");
return "Sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later";
return "";
I also created ValidationMessages.properties.
email_error_message=Sorry your email is invalid
In my webmvc-config.xml :
<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource" id="messageSource"
p:basenames="WEB-INF/i18n/messages,WEB-INF/i18n/application" p:fallbackToSystemLocale="false"/>
The error I get from fieldError.getDefaultMessage() is {email_error_message}. So the question is what am I wrong?
I'm not sure how to get message
attribute work with Spring message sources, too.
However, you can always use default message code (see DefaultMessageCodesResolver):
Email.lead.emailAddress=Sorry your email is invalid
In your webmvc-config.xml, you're loading properties from application.properties.
If your ValidationMessages.properties is in the same dir, try loading it like this:
<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource" id="messageSource"
p:basenames="WEB-INF/i18n/messages,WEB-INF/i18n/application,WEB-INF/i18n/messages,WEB-INF/i18n/ValidationMessages" p:fallbackToSystemLocale="false"/>
The other thing is if you have a webapp which users are picking locale, you don't want the message from the local runtime. You want to get the user's session locale and use that to do the localization.