I have problems uploading an iso file to a datastore. The server (vcsim) says:
2018/05/17 11:55:54 failed to locate datastore with query params: dcPath=%2FDC0&dsName=LocalDS_0
The information about the datastore is:
govc datastore.upload -dc="DC0" -k=true -ds LocalDS_0 -debug=true /home/jorge/Downloads/ipxe.iso ipxe.iso
[17-05-18 13:54:33] Uploading... Error: 404 Not Found
govc: 404 Not Found
But when I execute this command it fails:
govc datastore.info -dc="DC0" -k=true LocalDS_0
Name: LocalDS_0
Path: /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_0
Type: local
URL: /tmp/govcsim-DC0-LocalDS_0-926708808
Capacity: 0.9 GB
Free: 0.5 GB
What am I doing wrong? What are the steps to create a datastore and upload a file to it?