I would like to show outcome of these 2 queries in one table.
{[Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Aktywnosc].[Id Wiezienia].Members} ON ROWS
FROM [Wiezienia HD2]
WHERE [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[2] : [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[101]
{[Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Aktywnosc].[Id Wiezienia].Members} ON ROWS
FROM [Wiezienia HD2]
First one shows how many escapes from jail there were in each jail, and second one show how many people are in each jail.
This is the suggestion of Aaron West ported over to AdvWrks
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2006]
: [![enter image description here][1]][1]
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2007]
,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
} ON 0
,[Product].[Category].[Category] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];
As pointed out by Greg Galloway it errors:
Query (2, 3) The function expects a tuple set expression for the 2 argument. A string or numeric expression was used.
If we move the calculation to a WITH
MEMBER [Measures].[SalesIn2006/2007] AS
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2006]
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2007]
,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
} ON 0
,[Product].[Category].[Category] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];
We now get a result:
So against your cube it'll probably look a little like this:
MEMBER [Measures].[Count freeAtLast] AS
[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[2]
[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[101]
,[Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count]
[Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count]
,[Measures].[Count freeAtLast]
} ON 0
,[Aktywnosc].[Id Wiezienia].MEMBERS ON 1
FROM [Wiezienia HD2];
WITH MEMBER [Measures].x AS
AGGREGATE( [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[2]
: [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[Id Ucieczki].[101]
, [Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count] )
SELECT { [Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count]
, Measures.x
, [Aktywnosc].[Id Wiezienia].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Wiezienia HD2]
If AGGREGATE doesn't work, try SUM. By the way, be careful that the OrderBy is set to KeyColumn (which should be a numeric datatype) on that attribute that is 2 to 101, or your range won't work correctly.
Edit: Perhaps my incorrect first answer put the Aggregate inline because I was thinking of the fact that a tuple set expression can act a little like a SUM, if you have a single hierarchy member to tuple with. Eg, if you created a dimension attribute for the range 2 to 101, you could use an expression like this:
( [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[new attribute name].[2_to_101]
, [Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count] )
But then you would need to ensure that the dimensionality of the tuples is the same in all members on the axis, eg:
SELECT { ( [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[new attribute name].[2_to_101]
, [Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count] )
( [Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci].[new attribute name].[All]
, [Measures].[Udzial Wieznia w Aktywnosci Count] )
, [Aktywnosc].[Id Wiezienia].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Wiezienia HD2]