I seem to be having trouble getting two-way binding to work with Polymer 2.0. I'm keeping things minimal, only using Polymer.Element.
I define a parent component:
<dom-module id="example1a-component">
<xtal-fetch req-url="generated.json" result="{{myFetchResult}}"></xtal-fetch>
<div>fetch result:
class Example1a extends Polymer.Element{
static get is(){return 'example1a-component'}
static get properties(){
return {
myFetchResult :{
type: String
customElements.define(Example1a.is, Example1a)
The fetch class looks like:
class XtalFetch extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'xtal-fetch'; }
static get properties() {
return {
debounceTimeInMs: {
type: Number
reqInfo: {
type: Object,
reqInit: {
type: Object
reqUrl: {
type: String,
observer: 'loadNewUrl'
* The expression for where to place the result.
result: {
type: String,
notify: true,
readOnly: true
loadNewUrl() {
ready() {
if (this.reqUrl) {
const _this = this;
fetch(this.reqUrl).then(resp => {
resp.text().then(txt => {
_this['result'] = txt;
elements.XtalFetch = XtalFetch;
customElements.define(xtal.elements.XtalFetch.is, xtal.elements.XtalFetch);
Note that I am trying everything I can think of:
_this['result'] = txt;
I see the result of the the fetch going into the result property of the fetch element, not into the parent.
Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, it does. Make sure to call super
when you're overriding a method:
ready() {
super.ready(); // <-- important!
That's enough to make your code work (demo).
This is easy to forget, so the polymer-linter
was recently updated to warn users about this.