admob adsize for ad height

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-15 09:13:42


I am aware of the different values that the admob size can take for example 'BANNER' which is 320 x 50, however I have seen in some apps that the ad has been made smaller, in particular squashed in height. I have tried using other values instead of 'BANNER' for adsize but it does not work. How can I make a admob banner with a lower height than 50?



you will never get an admob banner below 50px. If you try to put it in a layout below 50px it will register an error (check your logcat).

It is possible to display the admob as 50px instead of the default 50dip, with some clever editing, but im fairly sure you're not supposed to do that per the admob ToS, so I won't get into it here :)

