I work with OpenEprp 7.0 and i want to refresh a particular div in a page that contains a dashboard. the code of the first part of the dashboard is the following:
<t t-if="number === 2">
<table style="margin-left:360px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">
<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;"><b>Jusqu'au mois courant:</b></td>
<input type="radio" id="radio_budget_cumulee_jusque_mois_courant" value="courant" name="radio_budget_cumulee" />
<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;"><b>Jusqu'au fin d'année:</b></td>
<input type="radio" id="radio_budget_cumulee_jusque_fin_anneee" value="fin" name="radio_budget_cumulee"/>
<div id="budg">
<div t-attf-id="#{view.element_id}_action_#{column_index}_#{action_index}" class="oe_content" t-att-style="action.attrs.fold ? 'display: none;' : 'height: 220px;overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: auto;padding: 0 12px 1px;'"></div>
I want to refresh the div with the id budg in my js i write the following code:
$('#budg').load(document.URL + ' #budg');
the div is loaded but there is no content. Any help please