Kafka delivering duplicate message

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-15 03:58:08


We are using kafka( for orchestrating command messages between different micro services. We are finding an intermittent issue where duplicate messages are getting delivered to a particular topic. The logs that occur when this issue happens is given below. Can some one help to understand this issue

Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - WARNING Coordinator unknown during heartbeat -- will retry
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - WARNING Heartbeat failed; retrying
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - WARNING <BrokerConnection host=AZSG-D-BOT-DEV4 port=9092> timed out after 40000 ms. Closing connection.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - ERROR Fetch to node 1 failed: RequestTimedOutError - 7 - This error is thrown if the request exceeds the user-specified time limit in the request.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - INFO Marking the coordinator dead (node 1): None.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - INFO Group coordinator for kafka-python-default-group is BrokerMetadata(nodeId=1, host=u'AZSG-D-BOT-DEV4', port=9092)
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - ERROR OffsetCommit failed for group kafka-python-default-group due to group error (UnknownMemberIdError - 25 - Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.), will rejoin
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - WARNING Offset commit failed: group membership out of date This is likely to cause duplicate message delivery.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - ERROR LeaveGroup request failed: UnknownMemberIdError - 25 - Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - INFO Marking the coordinator dead (node 1): None.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - INFO Group coordinator for kafka-python-default-group is BrokerMetadata(nodeId=1, host=u'AZSG-D-BOT-DEV4', port=9092)
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - ERROR OffsetCommit failed for group kafka-python-default-group due to group error (UnknownMemberIdError - 25 - Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.), will rejoin
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:07 - WARNING Offset commit failed: group membership out of date This is likely to cause duplicate message delivery.
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:10 - INFO Joined group 'kafka-python-default-group' (generation 5) with member_id kafka-python-1.0.2-8585f310-cb4f-493a-a98d-12ec9810419b
Wed, 21-Sep-2016 09:19:10 - INFO Updated partition assignment: [TopicPartition(topic=u'ilinaTestPlatformReq', partition=0)]


From Kafka documentation on Consumer config:

session.timeout.ms (default 30000) - the timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka's group management facilities. When a consumer's heartbeat is not received within the session timeout, the broker will mark the consumer as failed and rebalance the group. Since heartbeats are sent only when poll() is invoked, a higher session timeout allows more time for message processing in the consumer's poll loop at the cost of a longer time to detect hard failures. See also max.poll.records for another option to control the processing time in the poll loop. Note that the value must be in the allowable range as configured in the broker configuration by group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms.

Seems that if the message processing time is greater than 30000 ms, consumer rebalancing is triggered which may cause duplicate message delivery.

What you can try is to increase session.timeout.ms.

Another option is to process messages asynchronously while using pause() before processing a message and resume() after a message processed. In this case the consumer will call poll() (and send heartbeats) even if processing time takes longer than session.timeout.ms. Thus broker won't mark your consumer as failed and no rebalancing will be initiated.

