* @version: v2.5.0
* @buildTime: Thu Jul 16 2015 17:36:29 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
(function (global, document, S, undefined) {
var location = global.location,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
documentElement = document.documentElement,
head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
isSupportConsole = global.console && console.log,
noop = function () { },
error = function (msg) {
throw isError(msg) ? msg : new Error(msg);
* 配置对象
* @type {Object}
Config = {
debug: location.search.indexOf("debug") !== -1 ? true : false
_config = function (key, value) {
var ret = S;
if (isString(key)) {
// get config
if (value === undefined) {
ret = Config[key];
} else { // set config
Config[key] = value;
} else {
// Object config
each(key, function (v, k) {
Config[k] = v;
return ret;
S = global[S] = {
version: "2.5",
* 在log环境下输出log信息,避免因为忘记删除log语句而引发错误
* @param {String} msg 消息
* @param {String} src 消息来源,可选
* @return {Object} 返回this以链式调用,如S.log().log()
log: isSupportConsole ? function (msg, src) {
if (S.config("debug")) {
if (src) {
msg = src + ": " + msg;
return S;
} : noop,
* Throws error message.
error: error,
* global对象,在浏览器环境中为window
* @type {Object}
global: global,
* 空函数,在需要使用空函数作为参数时使用
noop: noop,
Config: Config,
config: _config
* 语言扩展
var AP = Array.prototype,
SP = String.prototype,
FP = Function.prototype,
class2type = {},
toString = class2type.toString,
hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty,
slice = AP.slice,
hasOwnProperty = function (o, p) {
return hasOwn.call(o, p);
rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
rword = /[^, ]+/g,
// 是否是复杂类型
// rcomplexType = /^(?:object|array)$/,
rtags = /<[^>]+>/img,
rsubstitute = /\\?\{\{\s*([^{}\s]+)\s*\}\}/mg,
* return false终止循环
* 原生every必须return true or false
each = function (object, fn, context) {
var i = 0,
length = object.length;
if (context) {
fn = fn.bind(context);
if (length === +length) {
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (fn(object[i], i, object) === false) {
} else {
for (i in object) {
if (hasOwnProperty(object, i) && (fn(object[i], i, object) === false)) {
* Object.keys
* 不支持enum bug
if (!Object.keys) {
Object.keys = function (o) {
var ret = [],
for (p in o) {
if (hasOwnProperty(o, p)) {
return ret;
if (!FP.bind) {
FP.bind = function (context) {
var args = slice.call(arguments, 1),
fn = this,
noop = function () { },
ret = function () {
return fn.apply(this instanceof noop ? this : context || global, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
noop.prototype = fn.prototype;
ret.prototype = new noop();
return ret;
* Date.now
if (!Date.now) {
Date.now = function () {
return +new Date();
if (!SP.trim) {
SP.trim = function () {
return this.replace(rtrim, "");
if (!SP.startsWith) {
SP.startsWith = function (search) {
return this.lastIndexOf(search, 0) === 0;
if (!SP.endsWith) {
SP.endsWith = function (search) {
var index = this.length - search.length;
return index >= 0 && this.indexOf(search, index) === index;
* array shim
* Array.prototype.every
* Array.prototype.filter
* Array.prototype.forEach
* Array.prototype.indexOf
* Array.prototype.lastIndexOf
* Array.prototype.map
* Array.prototype.some
* Array.prototype.reduce
* Array.prototype.reduceRight
* Array.isArray
if (!AP.forEach) {
AP.forEach = function (fn, context) {
var i = 0,
length = this.length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
fn.call(context, this[i], i, this);
if (!AP.map) {
AP.map = function (fn, context) {
var ret = [],
i = 0,
length = this.length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
ret.push(fn.call(context, this[i], i, this));
return ret;
if (!AP.filter) {
AP.filter = function (fn, context) {
var ret = [],
i = 0,
length = this.length,
for (; i < length; i++) {
item = this[i];
if (fn.call(context, item, i, this)) {
return ret;
if (!AP.some) {
AP.some = function (fn, context) {
var i = 0,
length = this.length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (fn.call(context, this[i], i, this)) {
return true;
return false;
if (!AP.every) {
AP.every = function (fn, context) {
var i = 0,
length = this.length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (!fn.call(context, this[i], i, this)) {
return false;
return true;
if (!AP.indexOf) {
AP.indexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) {
var ret = -1,
length = this.length;
i = fromIndex * 1 || 0;
i = i >= 0 ? i : Math.max(0, length + i);
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (this[i] === searchElement) {
return i;
return ret;
if (!AP.lastIndexOf) {
AP.lastIndexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) {
var ret = -1,
length = this.length,
i = length - 1;
fromIndex = fromIndex * 1 || length - 1;
i = Math.min(i, fromIndex);
for (; i > -1; i--) {
if (this[i] === searchElement) {
return i;
return ret;
if (!AP.reduce) {
AP.reduce = function (fn, initialValue) {
var previous = initialValue,
i = 0,
length = this.length;
if (initialValue === undefined) {
previous = this[0];
i = 1;
for (; i < length; i++) {
previous = fn(previous, this[i], i, this);
return previous;
if (!AP.reduceRight) {
AP.reduceRight = function (fn, initialValue) {
var length = this.length,
i = length - 1,
previous = initialValue;
if (initialValue === undefined) {
previous = this[length - 1];
for (; i > -1; i--) {
previous = fn(previous, this[i], i, this);
return previous;
"Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".replace(rword, function (name, lc) {
class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = (lc = name.toLowerCase());
S["is" + name] = function (o) {
return type(o) === lc;
var isArray = Array.isArray = S.isArray = Array.isArray || S.isArray,
isFunction = S.isFunction,
isObject = S.isObject,
isString = S.isString,
isError = S.isError,
isDate = S.isDate,
isNotEmptyString = function (val) {
return isString(val) && val !== "";
memoize = function (fn, hasher) {
var memo = {};
// 默认拿第一个传入的参数做key
hasher = hasher || function (val) {
return val;
return function () {
var args = arguments,
key = hasher.apply(this, args),
val = memo[key];
// 必须有返回结果才缓存
return hasOwnProperty(memo, key) && val != null ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = fn.apply(this, args));
* 单例模式
* return only one instance
* @param {Function} fn the function to return the instance
* @return {Function}
singleton = function (fn) {
return memoize(fn, function () {
return 1;
* {{ name }} -> {{ o[name] }}
* \{{}} -> \{{}}
* reserve 是否保留{{ var }}来进行多次替换, 默认不保留,即替换为空
substitute = function (str, o, reserve) {
if (!isString(str) || (!isArray(o) && !isPlainObject(o))) {
return str;
return str.replace(rsubstitute, function (match, name) {
if (match.charAt(0) === '\\') {
return match.slice(1);
return (o[name] == null) ? reserve ? match : "" : o[name];
* jQuery type()
type = function (object) {
if (object == null) {
return object + "";
var t = typeof object;
return t === "object" || t === "function" ?
class2type[toString.call(object)] || "object" :
isWindow = function (object) {
return object != null && object == object.window;
isPlainObject = function (object) {
// Must be an Object.
// Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
// Make sure that Dom nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
if (!isObject(object) || object.nodeType || isWindow(object)) {
return false;
var key, constructor;
try {
// Not own constructor property must be Object
if ((constructor = object.constructor) && !hasOwnProperty(object, "constructor") && !hasOwnProperty(constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) {
return false;
} catch (e) {
// IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects
return false;
// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
for (key in object) { }
return key === undefined || hasOwnProperty(object, key);
makeArray = function (o) {
if (o == null) {
return [];
if (isArray(o)) {
return o;
var ret = [],
i = 0,
length = o.length,
lengthType = type(length),
oType = type(o);
if (lengthType !== "number" || typeof o.nodeName === "string" || isWindow(o) || oType === "string" || oType === "function" && !("item" in o && lengthType === "number")) {
return [o];
for (; i < length; i++) {
ret[i] = o[i];
return ret;
extend = function () {
var src, copyIsArray, copy, name, options, clone,
target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
length = arguments.length,
deep = false;
// Handle a deep copy situation
if (typeof target === "boolean") {
deep = target;
// skip the boolean and the target
target = arguments[i] || {};
// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
if (typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction(target)) {
target = {};
// extend itself if only one argument is passed
if (i === length) {
target = S;
for (; i < length; i++) {
// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
// Extend the base object
for (name in options) {
src = target[name];
copy = options[name];
// Prevent never-ending loop
if (target === copy) {
// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
if (deep && copy && (isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = isArray(copy)))) {
if (copyIsArray) {
copyIsArray = false;
clone = src && isArray(src) ? src : [];
} else {
clone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
// Never move original objects, clone them
target[name] = extend(deep, clone, copy);
// Don't bring in undefined values
} else if (copy !== undefined) {
target[name] = copy;
// Return the modified object
return target;
* 判断两个变量是否相等
* 数字特殊情况不做判断 如0 == -0
* regexp不特殊判断
isEqual = function (a, b) {
var ret = a === b,
if (ret || (a == null || b == null)) {
return ret;
aType = type(a);
bType = type(b);
* type不同即不相等
if (aType !== bType) {
return false;
switch (aType) {
case "array":
case "object":
return compareObject(a, b);
* new String("a")
case "string":
return a == String(b);
case "number":
return ret;
case "date":
case "boolean":
return +a == +b;
return ret;
compareObject = function (a, b) {
var p;
for (p in b) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(a, p) && hasOwnProperty(b, p)) {
return false;
for (p in a) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(b, p) && hasOwnProperty(a, p)) {
return false;
for (p in b) {
if (!isEqual(a[p], b[p])) {
return false;
if (isArray(a) && isArray(b) && a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
return true;
_cid = function (prefix) {
prefix = prefix || 0;
var counter = 0;
return function () {
return prefix + counter++;
ucfirst = function (str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
// 转为下划线风格
underscored = function (str) {
return str.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1_$2").replace(/\-/g, "_").toLowerCase();
// 转为连字符风格
dasherize = function (str) {
return underscored(str).replace(/_/g, "-");
htmlEntities = {
"&": "&",
">": ">",
"<": "<",
"`": "`",
"/": "/",
""": '"',
"'": "'"
reverseEntities = {},
getEscapeReg = singleton(function () {
var str = "";
each(htmlEntities, function (entity) {
str += entity + "|";
str = str.slice(0, -1);
return new RegExp(str, "g");
getUnEscapeReg = singleton(function () {
var str = "";
each(reverseEntities, function (entity) {
str += entity + "|";
str += "&#(\\d{1,5});";
return new RegExp(str, "g");
escapeHtml = function (text) {
return (text + "").replace(getEscapeReg(), function (all) {
return reverseEntities[all];
unEscapeHtml = function (text) {
return (text + "").replace(getUnEscapeReg(), function (all) {
return htmlEntities[all];
each(htmlEntities, function (entity, k) {
reverseEntities[entity] = k;
each: each,
mix: extend,
extend: extend,
isWindow: isWindow,
isPlainObject: isPlainObject,
isEqual: isEqual,
type: type,
makeArray: makeArray,
memoize: memoize,
singleton: singleton,
uniqueCid: _cid(),
isNotEmptyString: isNotEmptyString,
ucfirst: ucfirst,
dasherize: dasherize,
random: function (min, max) {
var array, seed;
if (isArray(min)) {
array = min;
min = 0;
max = array.length - 1;
if (max == null) {
max = min;
min = 0;
seed = min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
return array ? array[seed] : seed;
* [later description]
* @param {Function} fn 要执行的函数
* @param {number} when 延迟时间
* @param {boolean} periodic 是否周期执行
* @param {object} context context
* @param {Array} data 传递的参数
* @return {object} timer,cancel and interval
later: function (fn, when, periodic, context, data) {
when = when || 0;
var m = fn,
d = makeArray(data),
if (isString(fn)) {
m = context[fn];
if (!m) {
S.error("later: method undefined");
f = function () {
m.apply(context, d);
r = (periodic) ? setInterval(f, when) : setTimeout(f, when);
return {
id: r,
interval: periodic,
cancel: function () {
if (this.interval) {
} else {
* 在underscore里面有实现,这个版本借鉴的是kissy
throttle: function (fn, ms, context) {
ms = ms || 150;
if (ms === -1) {
return fn.bind(context || this);
var last = Date.now();
return function () {
var now = Date.now();
if (now - last > ms) {
last = now;
fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
debounce: function (fn, ms, context) {
context = context || this;
ms = ms || 150;
if (ms === -1) {
return fn.bind(context);
var timer = null,
f = function () {
timer = S.later(fn, ms, 0, context, arguments);
f.stop = function () {
if (timer) {
timer = 0;
return f;
substitute: substitute,
* 对字符串进行截断处理
truncate: function (str, length, truncation) {
str += "";
truncation = truncation || "...";
return str.length > length ? str.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : str;
stripTags: function (str) {
return (str + "").replace(rtags, "");
escapeHtml: escapeHtml,
unEscapeHtml: unEscapeHtml
* Uri 相关
var encode = encodeURIComponent,
decode = function (s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " "));
param = function (o, sep, eq) {
sep = sep || "&";
eq = eq || "=";
var buf = [];
each(o, function (val, key) {
key = encode(key);
if (isValidParamValue(val)) {
if (val !== undefined) {
buf.push(eq, encode(val));
return buf.join("");
* query字符串转为对象
unparam = function (str, sep, eq) {
str = (str + "").trim();
sep = sep || "&";
eq = eq || "=";
var ret = {},
pairs = str.split(sep),
i = 0,
length = pairs.length;
if (!str) {
return ret;
for (; i < length; ++i) {
eqIndex = pairs[i].indexOf(eq);
if (eqIndex == -1) { // 没有=
key = decode(pairs[i]);
val = undefined;
} else {
// remember to decode key!
key = decode(pairs[i].substring(0, eqIndex));
val = pairs[i].substring(eqIndex + 1);
try {
val = decode(val);
} catch (e) {
error(e + val);
ret[key] = val;
return ret;
parseUri = function (uri) {
uri = uri || location.href;
var a = document.createElement('a'),
a.href = uri;
protocol = a.protocol;
protocol = protocol.slice(0, protocol.length - 1);
path = a.pathname;
// IE10 pathname返回不带/
if (path.charAt(0) != "/") {
path = "/" + path;
port = a.port;
if (port == 80) {
port = "";
return {
scheme: protocol,
domain: a.hostname,
port: port,
path: path,
query: a.search.slice(1),
fragment: a.hash.slice(1)
Query = function (query) {
this._query = query;
this._map = unparam(query);
Uri = function (uriStr) {
var uri = this,
components = parseUri(uriStr);
each(components, function (v, key) {
if (key === "query") {
// need encoded content
uri.query = new Query(v);
} else {
// https://github.com/kissyteam/kissy/issues/298
try {
v = decode(v);
} catch (e) {
// need to decode to get data structure in memory
uri[key] = v;
return uri;
ruri = /^(http|file|\/|\.)/,
* 简单判断
* 以http,file,/和.开头的为uri
isUri = function (val) {
val += "";
return ruri.test(val);
Query.prototype = {
* Return parameter value corresponding to current key
* @param {String} [key]
get: function (key) {
var map = this._map;
return key ? map[key] : map;
* Set parameter value corresponding to current key
* @param {String} key
* @param value
* @chainable
set: function (key, value) {
var query = this,
map = query._map;
if (isString(key)) {
map[key] = value;
} else {
if (key instanceof Query) {
key = key.get();
each(key, function (v, k) {
map[k] = v;
return query;
* Remove parameter with specified name.
* @param {String} key
* @chainable
remove: function (key) {
var query = this;
if (key) {
key = makeArray(key);
each(key, function (k) {
delete query._map[k];
} else {
query._map = {};
return query;
* Serialize query to string.
toString: function () {
return param(this._map);
Query.prototype.add = Query.prototype.set;
Uri.prototype = {
getFragment: function () {
return this.fragment;
toString: function () {
var ret = [],
uri = this,
scheme = uri.scheme,
domain = uri.domain,
path = uri.path,
// fix port "0" bug
port = parseInt(uri.port, 10),
fragment = uri.fragment,
query = uri.query.toString(),
credentials = uri.credentials;
if (scheme) {
if (domain) {
if (port) {
if (path) {
if (query) {
if (fragment) {
return ret.join("");
function isValidParamValue(val) {
var t = typeof val;
// If the type of val is null, undefined, number, string, boolean, return TRUE.
return val === null || (t !== "object" && t !== "function");
* get/set/remove/add QueryParam
* uri, args... or args.., uri
"add get remove set".replace(rword, function (name) {
S[name + "QueryParam"] = function () {
var args = makeArray(arguments),
length = args.length,
// 第一个跟最后一个参数都可能是uri
if (isUri(args[0])) {
uriStr = args.shift();
} else if (isUri(args[length - 1])) {
uriStr = args.pop();
var uri = new Uri(uriStr),
query = uri.query,
ret = query[name].apply(query, args);
return ret === query ? uri.toString() : ret || "";
urlEncode: encode,
urlDecode: decode,
param: param,
unparam: unparam,
isUri: isUri,
parseUri: parseUri,
getFragment: function (uri) {
return new Uri(uri).getFragment();
* events
var events = S.events = {};
// Bind event
var on = S.on = function (name, callback) {
var list = events[name] || (events[name] = []);
return S;
S.one = function (name, callback) {
var _callback = function () {
S.off(name, _callback);
callback.apply(S, arguments);
return S.on(name, _callback);
// Remove event. If `callback` is undefined, remove all callbacks for the
// event. If `event` and `callback` are both undefined, remove all callbacks
// for all events
S.off = function (name, callback) {
// Remove *all* events
if (!(name || callback)) {
events = S.events = {};
return S;
var list = events[name];
if (list) {
if (callback) {
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list[i] === callback) {
list.splice(i, 1);
} else {
delete events[name];
return S;
// Emit event, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks receive the same
// arguments as `emit` does, apart from the event name
var trigger = S.trigger = function (name) {
var list = events[name],
args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (list) {
// Copy callback lists to prevent modification
list = list.slice();
// Execute event callbacks, use index because it's the faster.
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
list[i].apply(S, args);
return S;
// thanks modernizr
var createElement = function (type) {
return document.createElement(type);
splitter = " ",
supportElem = createElement("tbtx"),
supportStyl = supportElem.style,
inputElem = createElement("input"),
* css 使用 -webkit-box-sizing
* dom使用boxSizing
// prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(splitter),
omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms',
cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(splitter),
// domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(splitter),
prefixed = function (prop) {
return testPropsAll(prop, "pfx");
testProps = function (props, prefixed) {
var prop,
for (i in props) {
prop = props[i];
if (supportStyl[prop] !== undefined) {
return prefixed == "pfx" ? prop : true;
return false;
testPropsAll = function (prop, prefixed) {
var ucProp = ucfirst(prop),
props = (prop + splitter + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + splitter) + ucProp).split(splitter);
return testProps(props, prefixed);
transform = prefixed("transform"),
transition = prefixed("transition"),
support = {
touch: "ontouchstart" in documentElement,
pad: !!ua.match(/iPad/i),
transition: transition,
transform: transform,
placeholder: "placeholder" in inputElem,
translate3d: testPropsAll('perspective')
mobile: function () {
return !!ua.match(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile.*/) || this.touch;
phone: function () {
return this.mobile && !this.pad && screen.width < 800;
canvas: function () {
var elem = createElement("canvas");
return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext("2d"));
}, function (factory, name) {
support[name] = factory.call(support);
var transEndEventNames = {
WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd',
MozTransition: 'transitionend',
OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
transition: 'transitionend'
support.transitionEnd = transition ? transEndEventNames[transition] : "";
support: support,
testPropsAll: testPropsAll,
prefixed: prefixed
* an amd loader
* thanks [seajs](http://seajs.org/)
* 将seajs改造为一个amd加载器
* 尽量减少对seajs代码的修改
var Loader = S.Loader = {},
data = Loader.data = {},
cid = _cid(),
DIRNAME_RE = /[^?#]*\//,
DOT_RE = /\/\.\//g,
DOUBLE_DOT_RE = /\/[^/]+\/\.\.\//,
MULTI_SLASH_RE = /([^:/])\/+\//g;
// Extract the directory portion of a path
// dirname("a/b/c.js?t=123#xx/zz") ==> "a/b/"
// ref: http://jsperf.com/regex-vs-split/2
function dirname(path) {
return path.match(DIRNAME_RE)[0];
// Canonicalize a path
// realpath("http://test.com/a//./b/../c") ==> "http://test.com/a/c"
function realpath(path) {
// /a/b/./c/./d ==> /a/b/c/d
path = path.replace(DOT_RE, "/");
// a//b/c ==> a/b/c
path = path.replace(MULTI_SLASH_RE, "$1/");
// a/b/c/../../d ==> a/b/../d ==> a/d
while (path.match(DOUBLE_DOT_RE)) {
path = path.replace(DOUBLE_DOT_RE, "/");
return path;
// Normalize an id
// normalize("path/to/a") ==> "path/to/a.js"
// NOTICE: substring is faster than negative slice and RegExp
function normalize(path) {
var last = path.length - 1;
var lastC = path.charAt(last);
// If the uri ends with `#`, just return it without '#'
if (lastC === "#") {
return path.substring(0, last);
return (path.substring(last - 2) === ".js" ||
path.indexOf("?") > 0 ||
path.substring(last - 3) === ".css" ||
lastC === "/") ? path : path + ".js";
var PATHS_RE = /^([^/:]+)(\/.+)$/,
VARS_RE = /{([^{]+)}/g;
function parseAlias(id) {
var alias = data.alias;
return alias && isString(alias[id]) ? alias[id] : id;
function parsePaths(id) {
var paths = data.paths,
if (paths && (m = id.match(PATHS_RE)) && isString(paths[m[1]])) {
id = paths[m[1]] + m[2];
return id;
function parseVars(id) {
var vars = data.vars;
if (vars && id.indexOf("{") > -1) {
id = id.replace(VARS_RE, function (m, key) {
return isString(vars[key]) ? vars[key] : m;
return id;
function parseMap(uri) {
var map = data.map,
ret = uri;
if (map) {
for (var i = 0, len = map.length; i < len; i++) {
var rule = map[i];
ret = isFunction(rule) ?
(rule(uri) || uri) :
uri.replace(rule[0], rule[1]);
// Only apply the first matched rule
if (ret !== uri) break;
return ret;
var ABSOLUTE_RE = /^\/\/.|:\//,
ROOT_DIR_RE = /^.*?\/\/.*?\//;
function addBase(id, refUri) {
var ret,
first = id.charAt(0);
// Absolute
if (ABSOLUTE_RE.test(id)) {
ret = id;
// Relative
else if (first === ".") {
ret = (refUri ? dirname(refUri) : data.cwd) + id;
// Root
else if (first === "/") {
var m = data.cwd.match(ROOT_DIR_RE);
ret = m ? m[0] + id.substring(1) : id;
// Top-level
else {
ret = data.base + id;
if (ret.indexOf("//") === 0) {
ret = location.protocol + ret;
return realpath(ret);
function id2Uri(id, refUri) {
if (!id) return "";
id = id.replace('//img.miiee.com/tbtx/', staticUrl);
id = parseAlias(id);
id = parsePaths(id);
id = parseVars(id);
id = normalize(id);
var uri = addBase(id, refUri);
uri = parseMap(uri);
return uri;
var cwd = dirname(location.href),
scripts = document.scripts,
loaderDir = dirname(getScriptAbsoluteSrc(scripts[scripts.length - 1]) || cwd);
function getScriptAbsoluteSrc(node) {
return node.hasAttribute ? // non-IE6/7
node.src :
// see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429(VS.85).aspx
node.getAttribute("src", 4);
* util-request.js - The utilities for requesting script and style files
* ref: tests/research/load-js-css/test.html
var baseElement = head.getElementsByTagName("base")[0],
IS_CSS_RE = /\.css(?:\?|$)/i,
isOldWebKit = +navigator.userAgent
.replace(/.*(?:AppleWebKit|AndroidWebKit)\/(\d+).*/, "$1") < 536;
function request(url, callback, charset) {
callback = callback || noop;
var isCSS = IS_CSS_RE.test(url),
node = document.createElement(isCSS ? "link" : "script");
if (charset) {
var cs = isFunction(charset) ? charset(url) : charset;
if (cs) {
node.charset = cs;
addOnload(node, callback, isCSS);
if (isCSS) {
node.rel = "stylesheet";
node.href = url;
else {
node.async = true;
node.src = url;
// For some cache cases in IE 6-8, the script executes IMMEDIATELY after
// the end of the insert execution, so use `currentlyAddingScript` to
// hold current node, for deriving url in `define` call
currentlyAddingScript = node;
// ref: #185 & http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2709
if (baseElement) {
head.insertBefore(node, baseElement);
} else {
currentlyAddingScript = null;
function addOnload(node, callback, isCSS) {
// 不支持 onload事件
var supportOnload = "onload" in node;
// for Old WebKit and Old Firefox
if (isCSS && (isOldWebKit || !supportOnload)) {
setTimeout(function () {
pollCss(node, callback);
}, 1); // Begin after node insertion
var onload = function () {
// Ensure only run once and handle memory leak in IE
node.onload = node.onerror = node.onreadystatechange = null;
if (!isCSS && !_config("debug")) {
// Dereference the node
node = null;
if (supportOnload) {
node.onload = node.onerror = onload;
} else {
node.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (/loaded|complete/.test(node.readyState)) {
function pollCss(node, callback) {
var sheet = node.sheet,
// for WebKit < 536
if (isOldWebKit) {
if (sheet) {
isLoaded = true;
// for Firefox < 9.0
else if (sheet) {
try {
if (sheet.cssRules) {
isLoaded = true;
} catch (ex) {
// The value of `ex.name` is changed from "NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR"
// to "SecurityError" since Firefox 13.0. But Firefox is less than 9.0
// in here, So it is ok to just rely on "NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR"
if (ex.name === "NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR") {
isLoaded = true;
setTimeout(function () {
if (isLoaded) {
// Place callback here to give time for style rendering
} else {
pollCss(node, callback);
}, 20);
function getCurrentScript() {
// @update
if (document.currentScript) {
return document.currentScript;
if (currentlyAddingScript) {
return currentlyAddingScript;
// For IE6-9 browsers, the script onload event may not fire right
// after the script is evaluated. Kris Zyp found that it
// could query the script nodes and the one that is in "interactive"
// mode indicates the current script
// ref: http://goo.gl/JHfFW
if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.readyState === "interactive") {
return interactiveScript;
var scripts = head.getElementsByTagName("script"),
i = scripts.length - 1;
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
script = scripts[i];
if (script.readyState === "interactive") {
interactiveScript = script;
return interactiveScript;
* module.js - The core of module loader
var cachedMods = Loader.cache = {},
fetchingList = {},
fetchedList = {},
callbackList = {};
var STATUS = Module.STATUS = {
// 1 - The `module.uri` is being fetched
// 2 - The meta data has been saved to cachedMods
// 3 - The `module.dependencies` are being loaded
// 4 - The module are ready to execute
// 5 - The module is being executed
// 6 - The `module.exports` is available
function Module(uri, deps) {
this.uri = uri;
this.dependencies = deps || [];
this.exports = null;
this.status = 0;
// Who depends on me
this._waitings = {};
// The number of unloaded dependencies
// 未加载的依赖数
this._remain = 0;
Module.prototype = {
// Resolve module.dependencies
// 返回依赖模块的uri数组
resolve: function () {
var mod = this,
uri = mod.uri,
ids = mod.dependencies;
return ids.map(function (id) {
return Module.resolve(id, uri);
// Load module.dependencies and fire onload when all done
load: function () {
var mod = this;
// If the module is being loaded, just wait it onload call
if (mod.status >= STATUS.LOADING) {
mod.status = STATUS.LOADING;
var uris = mod.resolve();
trigger("load", uris);
// 未加载的依赖数
var len = mod._remain = uris.length,
uri = mod.uri;
// Initialize modules and register waitings
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
m = Module.get(uris[i]);
if (m.status < STATUS.EXECUTED) {
// Maybe duplicate
m._waitings[uri] = (m._waitings[uri] || 0) + 1;
} else {
if (mod._remain === 0) {
// for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// m = cachedMods[uris[i]];
// // 模块尚未define及加载
// if (m.status < STATUS.FETCHING) {
// m.fetch();
// }
// // 模块define过
// else if (m.status === STATUS.SAVED) {
// m.load();
// }
// }
var requestCache = {};
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
m = cachedMods[uris[i]];
if (m.status < STATUS.FETCHING) {
} else if (m.status === STATUS.SAVED) {
// Send all requests at last to avoid cache bug in IE6-9. Issues#808
for (var requestUri in requestCache) {
if (requestCache.hasOwnProperty(requestUri)) {
onload: function () {
var mod = this;
mod.status = STATUS.LOADED;
if (mod.callback) {
// exec to get exports
exec: function () {
var mod = this;
// When module is executed, DO NOT execute it again. When module
// is being executed, just return `module.exports` too, for avoiding
// circularly calling
if (mod.status >= STATUS.EXECUTING) {
return mod.exports;
mod.status = STATUS.EXECUTING;
var uri = mod.uri,
uris = mod.resolve(),
deps = [],
i = 0,
len = uris.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
deps[i] = Module.get(uris[i]).exports;
// Exec factory
var factory = mod.factory,
exports = isFunction(factory) ?
factory.apply(null, deps) :
if (exports === undefined) {
exports = mod.exports;
// if (exports === null) {
// }
// Reduce memory leak
delete mod.factory;
mod.exports = exports;
mod.status = STATUS.EXECUTED;
// Emit `exec` event
// emit("exec", mod)
// Notify waiting modules to fire onload
var waitings = mod._waitings,
for (uri in waitings) {
if (waitings.hasOwnProperty(uri)) {
m = cachedMods[uri];
m._remain -= waitings[uri];
if (m._remain === 0) {
// Reduce memory taken
delete mod._waitings;
delete mod._remain;
return exports;
fetch: function (requestCache) {
var mod = this,
uri = mod.uri;
mod.status = STATUS.FETCHING;
var eventData = { uri: uri };
trigger("fetch", eventData);
var requestUri = eventData.requestUri || uri;
// Empty uri or a non-AMD module
if (!requestUri || fetchedList[requestUri]) {
if (fetchingList[requestUri]) {
fetchingList[requestUri] = true;
callbackList[requestUri] = [mod];
// sendRequest();
if (requestCache) {
requestCache[requestUri] = sendRequest;
} else {
function sendRequest() {
request(requestUri, onRequest, data.charset);
function onRequest() {
delete fetchingList[requestUri];
fetchedList[requestUri] = true;
// Save meta data of anonymous module
if (anonymousMeta) {
Module.save(uri, anonymousMeta);
anonymousMeta = null;
// Call callbacks
var m, mods = callbackList[requestUri];
delete callbackList[requestUri];
while ((m = mods.shift())) m.load();
// Save meta data to cachedMods
Module.save = function (uri, meta) {
var mod = Module.get(uri);
// Do NOT override already saved modules
if (mod.status < STATUS.SAVED) {
mod.id = meta.id || uri;
mod.dependencies = meta.deps || [];
mod.factory = meta.factory;
mod.status = STATUS.SAVED;
Module.get = function (uri, deps) {
return cachedMods[uri] || (cachedMods[uri] = new Module(uri, deps));
// 不直接调用Module.require, 在其他地方使用并传入uri
// Use function is equal to load a anonymous module
Module.require = function (ids, callback, uri) {
// 匿名模块uri根据preload,require等+cid进行区分
// 需要uri来创建模块,注册依赖
var mod = Module.get(uri, makeArray(ids));
// 注册模块完成时的callback
// 获取依赖模块的export并且执行callback
if (callback) {
mod.callback = function () {
var uris = mod.resolve(),
exports = uris.map(function (uri) {
return cachedMods[uri].exports;
callback.apply(global, exports);
delete mod.callback;
// Resolve id to uri
Module.resolve = function (id, refUri) {
return id2Uri(id, refUri);
* define
* 匿名模块与非匿名模块
* 非匿名模块调用module.save保存模块信息。模块状态变为SAVED
Module.define = function (id, deps, factory) {
var argsLen = arguments.length;
// define(factory)
if (argsLen === 1) {
factory = id;
id = undefined;
} else if (argsLen === 2) {
factory = deps;
// define(deps, factory)
if (isArray(id)) {
deps = id;
id = undefined;
// define(id, factory)
else {
deps = undefined;
if (!isArray(deps)) {
deps = [];
var meta = {
id: id,
uri: Module.resolve(id),
deps: deps,
factory: factory
* 具名模块直接save,匿名模块使用meta信息,在onload里面保存
if (!meta.uri) {
var script = getCurrentScript();
if (script) {
meta.uri = script.src;
// NOTE: If the id-deriving methods above is failed, then falls back
// to use onload event to get the uri
if (meta.uri) {
Module.save(meta.uri, meta);
} else {
// Save information for "saving" work in the script onload event
anonymousMeta = meta;
Module.define.amd = {};
data.fetchedList = fetchedList;
* config.js - The configuration for the loader
// The root path to use for id2uri parsing
// If loaderUri is `http://test.com/libs/seajs/[??][seajs/1.2.3/]sea.js`, the
// baseUri should be `http://test.com/libs/`
// 请求的baseUrl
data.base = loaderDir;
// The loader directory
// loader所在目录,base默认是这个
data.dir = loaderDir;
// The current working directory
data.cwd = cwd;
// The charset for requesting files
data.charset = "utf-8";
// data.alias - An object containing shorthands of module id
// data.paths - An object containing path shorthands in module id
// data.vars - The {xxx} variables in module id
// data.map - An array containing rules to map module uri
// data.debug - Debug mode. The default value is false
Loader.config = function (configData) {
for (var key in configData) {
var curr = configData[key],
prev = data[key];
// Merge object config such as alias, vars
if (prev && isObject(prev)) {
for (var k in curr) {
prev[k] = curr[k];
} else {
// Concat array config such as map, preload
if (isArray(prev)) {
curr = prev.concat(curr);
// Make sure that `data.base` is an absolute path
else if (key === "base") {
if (curr.slice(-1) !== "/") {
curr += "/";
curr = addBase(curr);
// Set config
data[key] = curr;
Loader.resolve = id2Uri;
var define = global.define = Module.define;
var require = global.require = function (ids, callback) {
Module.require(ids, callback, data.cwd + "_require_" + cid());
// return S;
Module: Module,
define: define,
require: require,
realpath: realpath,
loadScript: request,
loadCss: request
* 模块配置与注册
* 只写常用的
* @type {[type]}
var staticUrl = S.staticUrl = realpath(loaderDir + "../../../"),
paths = {},
alias = {},
aliasConfig = {
component: {
switchable: "1.0.4",
validator: "0.9.7",
popup: "1.0.0",
circle: "1.0.0"
plugin: {
lazyload: "1.8.4",
easing: "1.3"
gallery: {
jquery: support.mobile ? "2.1.1" : "1.11.3",
handlebars: "1.3.0",
json: "2",
hammer: "2.0.4"
arale: {
base: "1.1.1",
widget: "1.1.1",
position: "1.0.1"
dist: {
msg: "1.0.0"
// 目录规范
dirPattern = "{{ dir }}/{{ name }}/{{ version }}/{{ name }}";
each(aliasConfig, function (config, dir) {
paths[dir] = realpath(loaderDir + "../../") + dir;
each(config, function (v, name) {
alias[name] = substitute(dirPattern, {
dir: dir,
name: name,
version: v
alias.$ = alias.jquery;
base: staticUrl,
alias: alias,
paths: paths
if (!_config("debug")) {
if (location.href.indexOf("zhaopin.taobao") > 0 || location.href.indexOf("alizhaopin") > 0) {
var scriptstamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 60000);
// 每分钟
map: [
function (uri) {
if (uri.indexOf("t=") === -1) {
return uri.replace(/^(.*\.(?:css|js))(.*)$/i, "$1?t=" + scriptstamp);
} else {
var scriptstamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 3600000);
// 每小时更新时间戳
map: [
function (uri) {
if (uri.indexOf("t=") === -1) {
return uri.replace(/^(.*\.(?:css|js))(.*)$/i, "$1?t=" + scriptstamp);
define("tbtx", S);
if (typeof JSON !== undefined + "") {
define("json", JSON);
if (typeof jQuery !== undefined + "") {
define("jquery", function () {
return jQuery;
var preloadConfig = {
broadcast: "msg",
pin: "position",
center: "position"
// 某些没有return的模块接口可以提前写入
each(preloadConfig, function (module, name) {
S[name] = function () {
var args = arguments;
require(module, function (exports) {
var fn = exports[name];
if (isFunction(fn)) {
fn.apply(S, args);
S[name] = fn;
var MILLISECONDS_OF_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
cookie = S.cookie = {
* 获取 cookie 值
* @return {string} 如果 name 不存在,返回 undefined
get: function (name) {
var ret, m;
if (isNotEmptyString(name)) {
if ((m = String(document.cookie).match(
new RegExp('(?:^| )' + name + '(?:(?:=([^;]*))|;|$)')))) {
ret = m[1] ? decode(m[1]) : '';
return ret;
// 缓存csrfToken 6H
setCsrfToken(val) {
var text = String(encode(val)),
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 100);
text += '; expires=' + date.toUTCString() + '; path=/';
document.cookie = 'TP-XSRF-TOKEN' + '=' + text;
return this;
set: function (name, val, domain, expires, path, secure) {
var text = String(encode(val)),
date = expires;
// 从当前时间开始,多少天后过期
if (typeof date === 'number') {
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + expires * MILLISECONDS_OF_DAY);
// expiration date
if (date instanceof Date) {
text += '; expires=' + date.toUTCString();
// domain
if (isNotEmptyString(domain)) {
text += '; domain=' + domain;
// path
if (isNotEmptyString(path)) {
text += '; path=' + path;
} else {
text += '; path=/';
// secure
if (secure) {
text += '; secure';
document.cookie = name + '=' + text;
return this;
remove: function (name, domain, path, secure) {
// 置空,并立刻过期
this.set(name, '', domain, -1, path, secure);
return this;
* formate格式只有2014/07/12 12:34:35的格式可以跨平台
* new Date()
* new Date(时间戳)
* new Date(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]])
var rformatDate = /y|m|d|h|i|s/gi,
rnumberDate = /^\d{13}$/,
// from moment
riso = /^\s*(?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,
rdate = /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
// 判断参数是否是日期格式
// 包括数字,日期
// iso日期字符串
function isDateFormat(val) {
return rnumberDate.test(val) || riso.test(val) || isDate(val);
// 解析一个日期, 返回日期对象
function parseDate(val) {
var match,
if (isDate(val)) {
return val;
if (rnumberDate.test(val)) {
return new Date(+val);
match = riso.exec(val);
matchYmd = rdate.exec(val);
if (match && matchYmd) {
// 暂时只支持 2014-11-26T11:22:23这种4位年的日期
return new Date(matchYmd[0].replace(/-/g, "/") + " " + match[7]);
return new Date();
* 将日期格式化成字符串
* Y - 4位年
* y - 2位年
* M - 不补0的月,
* m - 补0的月
* D - 不补0的日期
* d - 补0的日期
* H - 不补0的小时
* h - 补0的小时
* I - 不补0的分
* i - 补0的分
* S - 不补0的秒
* s - 补0的秒
* 毫秒暂不支持
* date只支持毫秒和Date
* @return:指定格式的字符串
function formatDate(format, date) {
// 交换参数
if (isDateFormat(format)) {
date = [format, format = date][0];
format = format || "Y-m-d h:i:s";
date = normalizeDate(date);
return format.replace(rformatDate, function (k) {
return date[k];
// date转对象
function normalizeDate(date) {
date = parseDate(date);
var o = {
Y: date.getFullYear(),
M: date.getMonth() + 1,
D: date.getDate(),
H: date.getHours(),
I: date.getMinutes(),
S: date.getSeconds()
ret = {};
each(o, function (v, k) {
// 统一结果为字符串
ret[k] = v + "";
ret[k.toLowerCase()] = padding2(v).slice(-2);
return ret;
function padding2(str) {
str += "";
return str.length === 1 ? "0" + str : str;
parseDate: parseDate,
normalizeDate: normalizeDate,
formatDate: formatDate
var randomToken = function () {
return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);
token = randomToken() + randomToken(),
generateToken = function () {
cookie.set(_config("tokenName"), token, "", "", "/");
return token;
S.generateToken = generateToken;
// 默认蜜儿
tokenName: "MIIEE_JTOKEN",
request: {
code: {
fail: -1,
success: 100
msg: {
0: "无法连接到服务器!请检查网络连接!",
500: "服务器出错!",
timeout: "请求超时!",
abort: "请求被终止!",
parsererror: "服务器出错或数据解析出错!"
define("request", ["jquery"], function ($) {
var config = _config("request"),
code = config.code,
msg = config.msg,
// 互斥锁
isTokenLock = 0,
* 解决后端删除jtoken后ajax cookie没有token
* 每次同时只处理一个request 请求
send = function (options, successCode, defer) {
if (isTokenLock) {
setTimeout(function () {
send(options, successCode, defer);
}, 50);
return false;
isTokenLock = 1;
options.data.jtoken = generateToken();
.done(function (response) {
var code, result;
if (response) {
code = response.code;
result = response.result;
// 有result返回result,没有result返回response
// 返回result时加一层result来兼容之前的写法
if (result) {
result.code = code;
result.msg = response.msg;
result.result = extend(true, isArray(result) ? [] : {}, result);
response = result;
if (code === successCode) {
defer.resolve(response, options);
} else {
defer.reject(code, response, options);
.fail(function (xhr, status, err) {
defer.reject(code.fail, {
code: code.fail,
url: options.url,
msg: msg[xhr.status] || msg[status] || msg.def
.always(function () {
isTokenLock = 0;
request = function (url, data, successCode) {
var ret = $.Deferred(),
options = {
type: "post",
dataType: "json",
timeout: 10000
if (typeof url === "object") {
options = extend(options, url);
successCode = data;
} else {
extend(options, {
url: url,
data: data
successCode = successCode || code.success;
data = options.data || {};
url = S.addQueryParam(options.url.trim(), "_", Date.now());
if (isString(data)) {
data = unparam(data);
options.url = url;
options.data = data;
send(options, successCode, ret);
return ret.promise();
return request;
})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document, "tbtx");