How to highlight rows of extended datatable when mouse is over in jsf?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-14 18:54:42


I am trying to do highlight the rows of the extended datatable when mouse is over. Here is my datatable:

<rich:extendedDataTable onrowmouseover ="'#B5F3FB'" onrowmouseout="'white'" value="#{moneyTransferManager.allAccounts}" var="accounts"
                                        selection="#{extTableSelectionBean.selection}" id="table" frozenColumns="2"
                                        style="height:170px; width:484px;">
                    <a4j:ajax execute="@form" event="selectionchange" listener="#{extTableSelectionBean.selectionListener}"
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="Hesaplarım"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="Hesap Numarası"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.accountNumber}"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="Para Birimi"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.accountCurrency}"/>

This one highlights only if row is clicked. Then i tried the following javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">

  function () {
  function () {


But this time when mouse is over, all of the rows are highlighted. Can anyone help me with this?


Edit: This time i tried that javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
                function() {
                    $(this).css("background", "yellow");
                function() {
                    $(this).css("background", "");

But still, when the mouse is on one row, every rows are highlighted. What am i doing wrong here?

Edit 2: I also tried this:

<rich:extendedDataTable onrowmouseover ="'#B5F3FB'" onrowmouseout="'white'"

this time it works, but when mouse is on 1st or 2nd column, first 2 are highlighted and when mouse is on 3rd or 4th colum, the 3th and 4th rows are highlighted together, i mean 1-2 are highlighted together and 3-4 are together

Here is the full code of the page:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"  "">
<html xmlns=""

    <title>Facelet Title</title>
        <ui:include src="/template.xhtml" />
    <div style="position: relative; top: 120px; left: 300px">
        <h:panelGrid columns="2">


                <rich:extendedDataTable  value="#{moneyTransferManager.allAccounts}" var="accounts"
                                         selection="#{extTableSelectionBean.selection}" id="table" frozenColumns="2"
                                         style="height:170px; width:484px;">
                    <a4j:ajax execute="@form" event="selectionchange" listener="#{extTableSelectionBean.selectionListener}"
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="Hesaplarım"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="Hesap Numarası"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.accountNumber}"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        `enter code here`<f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="Para Birimi"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.accountCurrency}"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="IBAN"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.iban}"/>
                    <rich:column width="120px;">
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText value="Bakiye"/>
                        <h:outputText value="#{accounts.balance}"/>
            <a4j:outputPanel id="res">
                <rich:panel header="Seçilen Hesap:" rendered="#{not empty extTableSelectionBean.selectionItems}">
                    <rich:list type="unordered" value="#{extTableSelectionBean.selectionItems}" var="sel">
                        <h:outputText value="#{sel.accountCurrency} - #{sel.iban} - #{sel.balance}"/>

            <rich:panel styleClass="top">
                <div style="position: relative; left: -3px; top: 23px">
                    <h:outputText style=" font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; " value="Yapmak istediğiniz işlem .."></h:outputText>  
                    <div style="position: relative; left: 160px; top: -3px">
                        <rich:select value="#{transactionManager.selection}" defaultLabel="Bir işlem seçin...">
                            <f:selectItem  itemValue="0" itemLabel="Hesap Hareketlerini Listele" />  

                    <div style="position: relative; left: 380px; top: -22px">
                        <h:commandButton action="#{transactionManager.accountActivity()}" value="Devam" style="color: #000000; font-weight: bold; width: 70px; height: 21px; background-color: grey; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;"></h:commandButton>






Using onrowmouseover and onrowmouseout worked fine on my end. Try using rowClass attribute of <rich:extendedDataTable> and define a rule in your stylesheet like so.

.test:hover {
    background-color: yellow; 

And do

<rich:extendedDataTable  rowClass="test">

Remember to set your <h:outputStylesheet> in <h:head>

