I have the following RealmObject:
public class City extends RealmObject {
private String cityId;
private RealmList<Street> streets;
public String getId() {
return cityId;
public void setCityId(String cityId) {
this.cityId = cityId;
public RealmList<Street> getStreets() {
return streets;
public void setStreets(RealmList<Street> streets) {
this.streets = streets;
Now having a cityId I need to query streets of particular city. How to do that? What I did try was:
Realm.getInstance(context).where(City.class).equalTo("cityId", someCityId, false)
But this leads into an Exception. I need to display streets in a ListView
implementing filtering so I need streets to be RealmResults
to use RealmBaseAdapter<Street>
The proper way would be to have an open Realm instance either opened in your Activity in onCreate()
and closed in onDestroy()
, or in your custom application class.
Then you can use this realm instance to query the realm
City city = realm.where(City.class).equalTo("cityId", cityId).findFirst();
Then you can access the RealmList<T>
like any other list
RealmList<Street> streets = city.getStreets();
Then you can use a recyclerview to get the view for a given index within your streets