I am trying to find and replace text in an xml file using c#. What I want is to change server name in the url link throughout the file.
I tried using System.xml.linq (XDocument.load(xmlpath)) but it simply gives me the whole xml file as one line of string. Is there a way I can replace the text?Note that the url's are not in specific nodes., they are random throughout file. I am able to do this manually through the file's find and replace, is there a way of doing this programmatically?
if you have the entire xml file as string you can replace what you need by doing:
string oldStr = @"http://Server1.extranet.abc/server1webdev/rest/services/ABC/ABC_Base/MapServer";
string newStr = @"http://Server2.extranet.abc/server1webdev/rest/services/ABC/ABC_Base/MapServer ";
doc.Replace(oldStr, newStr);
but normally if you want to change a value of a tag in xml i can suggest an example and you put it to use in your xml:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("D:\\tst.xml");
foreach (XElement cell in doc.Element("Actions").Elements("Action"))
if (cell.Element("ActionDate").Value == oldStr)
cell.Element("ActionDate").Value = newStr;