Select parent and child from the same table

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-14 06:03:49


I have a emp table,

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Emp](
    [EmpId] [int] NULL,
    [EmpName] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [ManagerId] [int] NULL

Now, insert below values into the table

   Insert Into Emp Values(1,'A',0)
Insert Into Emp Values(2,'B',1)
Insert Into Emp Values(3,'C',2)
Insert Into Emp Values(4,'D',2)
Insert Into Emp Values(5,'E',4)
Insert Into Emp Values(6,'F',4)
Insert Into Emp Values(7,'G',4)
Insert Into Emp Values(8,'H',6)
Insert Into Emp Values(9,'I',5)
Insert Into Emp Values(10,'J',7)
Insert Into Emp Values(11,'K',4)

I want to list employee name and their manager name in select statement.

What I am doing now is creating a temporary table which has all manager name and their Id.

Then getting the name from the manager table based on Id.

But I know this is not a correct way, in fact it is complex.


You should use a recursive CTE (Common Table Expression) for this:

-- define the recursive CTE and give it a name
;WITH Hierarchy AS
    -- "anchor" - top-level rows to select, here those with ManagerId = 0
    SELECT EmpId, EmpName, NULL AS 'MgrId', CAST(NULL AS NVARCHAR(50)) AS 'MgrName', 1 AS 'Level'
    FROM dbo.Emp
    WHERE ManagerId = 0


    -- recursive part - join an employee to its manager via ManagerId -> mgr.EmpId
    SELECT e.EmpId, e.EmpName, mgr.EmpId, mgr.EmpName, mgr.Level + 1 AS 'Level'
    FROM dbo.Emp e
    INNER JOIN Hierarchy mgr ON e.ManagerId = mgr.EmpId
SELECT * FROM Hierarchy


You are correct: you don't have to use a temporary table just for this. Try using recursive queries. Take a look at this link on MSDN. There is an example with ManagerId/EmployeeID. Just as in your query.

