Faster way to calculate the number of shortest paths a vertex belongs to using Networkx

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-13 18:58:06


I am considering that the Stress of a vertex i is the number of shortest paths between all pairs of vertices that i belongs to.

I am trying to calculate it using Networkx, I've made in three ways so far. The readable, dirty, and dirtiest but none of them is fast. Actually, I would like it to be faster than the betweenness (source) present on Networkx. Is there a better way to calculate that? Thanks in advance for any suggestion, answer or comment. Following see what I did so far:

Ps.: Here is a pastie with the code ready to go if you want give it a try, thanks again.

Here is the common part on all versions:

import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict

Dirtiest, brace yourselves:

def stress_centrality_dirtiest(g):

  stress = defaultdict(int)

  for a in nx.nodes_iter(g):
    for b in nx.nodes_iter(g):
      if a==b:
      # pred = nx.predecessor(G,b)  # for unweighted graphs
      pred, distance = nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(g,b)  # for weighted graphs
      if not pred.has_key(a):
        return [] 
      path = [[a,0]] 
      path_length = 1
      index = 0
      while index >= 0: 
        n,i = path[index] 
        if n == b: 
          for vertex in map(lambda x:x[0], path[:index+1])[1:-1]:
            stress[vertex] += 1
        if len(pred[n]) > i: 
          index += 1 
          if index == path_length: 
            path_length += 1 
            path[index] = [pred[n][i],0] 
          index -= 1 
          if index >= 0: 
            path[index][4] += 1 
  return stress


def stress_centrality_dirty(g):

  stress = defaultdict(int)

  paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g)
  for item in paths.values():
    for element in item.values():
      if len(element) > 2:
        for vertex in element[1:-1]:
          stress[vertex] += 1
  return stress


def stress_centrality_readable(g):

  stress = defaultdict(int)

  paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g)
  for source in nx.nodes_iter(g):
    for end in nx.nodes_iter(g):
      if source == end:
      path = paths[source][end]
      if len(path) > 2:                                         # path must contains at least 3 vertices source - another node - end
        for vertex in path[1:-1]:                               # when counting the number of occurrencies, exclude source and end vertices
          stress[vertex] += 1
  return stress


The betweenness code you pointed to in NetworkX does almost what you want and can be adjusted easily.

In the betweenness function if you call the following (instead of _accumulate_basic) during the "accumulate" stage it should calculate the stress centrality (untested)

def _accumulate_stress(betweenness,S,P,sigma,s):
    delta = dict.fromkeys(S,0)
    while S:
        w = S.pop()
        for v in P[w]:
            delta[v] += (1.0+delta[w])
        if w != s:
            betweenness[w] += sigma[w]*delta[w]
    return betweenness

See the paper Ulrik Brandes: On Variants of Shortest-Path Betweenness Centrality and their Generic Computation. Social Networks 30(2):136-145, 2008.

The stress centrality algorithm is Algorithm 12.


Based on the answer I have been given here, I tried to do exactly the same thing.

My attempt revolved around the use of the nx.all_shortest_paths(G,source,target) function, which produces a generator:

for n in G.nodes(): counts[n]=0
for n in G.nodes():
    for j in G.nodes():
        if (n!=j):
            gener=nx.all_shortest_paths(G,source=n,target=j) #A generator
            print('From node '+str(n)+' to '+str(j))
            for p in gener:
                for v in p: counts[v]+=1

I have tested this code with a NxN grid network of 100 nodes and it took me approximately 168 seconds to get the results. Now I am aware this is not the best answer as this code is not optimized, but I thought you might have wanted to know about it. Hopefully I can get some directions on how to improve my code.

