jhipster liquibase doesn't update database

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-13 16:24:11


I m trying to add a new entity, I don't use the full hot reload, so I created a db-changelog-002.xml file with the new table to be created in the changeset of the file. Then I ran a mvn spring-boot:run, but my database doesn't get updated with the new table. Is it normal?

Thank you in advance.


You must add your file to master.xml file, like below.

<include file="classpath:config/liquibase/changelog/db-changelog-002.xml" relativeToChangelogFile="false"/>


No Need to create another db-changelog-002.xml file.just add another change set in our Db-ChangeLog.xml file.It will work fine for you.


I must configure the liquibase database information in your pom.xml file


  1. check in the pom.xml file the database setup under the liquibase-maven-plugin artifact, make sure the (url, username, password, etc.) are fine
  2. run mvn liquibase:diff to create the "new_changelog.xml" file
  3. <include> the "new_changelog.xml" in the master.xml, check the date-time of the file to be sure that it was correctly created
  4. run the application again

...then cross your fingers, and with a bit of luck the tables will be created !!!

