Is there a visual designer similar to Mindscape's NHibernate designer for Fluent NHibernate?
I have decided to move from EF4 to NH3, but without a visual design interface it is going to be a hard sell to my team who are used to the EF4 model creation interface.
I've only heard of Mindscape's NHibernate Designer and Visual NHibernate. It looks like the latter provides support for Fluent NHibernate mappings.
Mindscape NHibernate Designer does not currently support generating Fluent NH mappings, that is correct.
John-Daniel (Co-founder, Mindscape)
Devart Entity Developer for NHibernate provides full support for Fluent NHibernate mapping. It supports all kinds of components, inheritances, composite IDs, etc.
Find more on the official product page Entity Developer for NHibernate Designer.
Devart Company
There is Open Source tool to generate mapings from DB Schema - NHibernate Mapping Generator
LLBLGen Pro v3 (http://www.llblgen.com) can generate Fluent NHibernate mappings (as well as XML hbm mappings) for NHibernate, using both database first and model first.
I have just stumbled upon another tool called Visual NHibernate. Check it out here: http://www.slyce.com/VisualNHibernate/
According to the website it supports and generates Fluent Mapping.