Basically I am making a timer job to send a birthdayWish email fetched from SharePoint userprofile service. But problem is I have multiple userprofile services on server.
like 1). userprofile service1
2). userprofile service2
3). userprofile service3
4). userprofile service4
So how to use 2nd user-profile service.
Here's some code, that I did:
SPServiceContext oServiceContext = SPServiceContext.GetContext(SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup.Default, SPSiteSubscriptionIdentifier.Default);
UserProfileManager oProfileManager = new UserProfileManager(oServiceContext);
So here in SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup.Default its getting 1st user-profile.
Among them I want to use 2nd user-profile service. but by default when trying to access its getting 1st user-profile service and iterate through it.
So how to set it to use 2nd user-profile service.
My guess is that you have one User Profile Service Instance (UPS) with multiple User Profile Service Applications (UPA) on it (and not multiple UPS):
var userAppName = "userprofile service2";
SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local;
SPServiceApplication application;
foreach (SPService s in farm.Services)
if(s.TypeName.Contains("User Profile Service"))
//We found UPS
foreach(SPServiceApplication app in s.Applications)
if(app.Name == userAppName)
application = app; //Here is UPA
//Or if you like oneliner (not 100% safe)
var x = farm.Services.First(s => s.TypeName.Contains("User Profile Service"))
.Applications.FirstOrDefault(app => app.Name == userAppName);