I recently spun up a vagrant server and wanted to get Elasticsearch going on it. So, I installed Oracle Java and ES on a "chef/Centos-6.6" vagrant cloud VM. I set my Java path using a shell script in "etc/profile.d".
Here is my provisioning script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
yum -y update
wget -O /opt/jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u67-b01/jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz"
tar xzf /opt/jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /opt/
touch /etc/profile.d/java.sh
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_67" >> /etc/profile.d/java.sh
echo "export JRE_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_67/jre" >> /etc/profile.d/java.sh
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin:/opt/jdk1.7.0_67/jre/bin" >> /etc/profile.d/java.sh
rpm --import http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
name=Elasticsearch repository for 1.3.x packages
echo "$REPO" > /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
yum install -y elasticsearch
The install all goes fine. However, when I run "sudo service elasticsearch start" I get:
which: no java in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
but if I "echo $PATH" for home user i get:
and for root user $PATH i get:
and "echo $JAVA_HOME" i get:
if I run "which java" i get:
and if I run "java" it shows up with the man page.
How is it that elasticsearch is not looking in my path for java? Why is it only looking in the default Centos path? What am i missing here?
The source of your problem is probably that init scripts (Elastic init script in this case) don't see most environment variables (eg JAVA_HOME
, etc).
If you look at the ElasticSearch init script, you will see that PATH
variable is set explicitly in that init script and JAVA_HOME
is determined by looping through predefined set of possible locations:
JDK_DIRS="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/ /usr/lib/jvm/default-java"
So you could put your Java installation for example to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64
directory and the init script should pick it up.
Looking at the init script I noticed that you can set JAVA_HOME
in /etc/default/elasticsearch
to skip looping through the predefined JDK locations as mentioned above (Source).