This is a part of my bash file. The output I need is:
[ - ] Copyright of KatworX© Tech. Developed by Arjun Singh Kathait and Debugged by the ☆Stack Overflow Community☆
I want the spinner animation to continue spinning for 5 seconds while the echo command is being displayed. Can the community help???
local pid=$!
local delay=0.75
local spinstr='|/-\'
while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep $pid)" ]; do
local temp=${spinstr#?}
printf " [%c] " "$spinstr"
local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"}
sleep $delay
printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b"
sleep 5 & spinner | echo -e "\nCopyright of KatworX© Tech. Developed by Arjun Singh Kathait and Debugged by the ☆Stack Overflow Community☆"
Continuing from the comment. To avoid calling ps
, awk
and grep
on every iteration, you need to pass the PID as an argument to the spin function. (and you can pass a string to display and default to your string as well). I would do something similar to:
## spinner takes the pid of the process as the first argument and
# string to display as second argument (default provided) and spins
# until the process completes.
spinner() {
local PROC="$1"
local str="${2:-'Copyright of KatworX© Tech. Developed by Arjun Singh Kathait and Debugged by the ☆Stack Overflow Community☆'}"
local delay="0.1"
tput civis # hide cursor
printf "\033[1;34m"
while [ -d /proc/$PROC ]; do
printf '\033[s\033[u[ / ] %s\033[u' "$str"; sleep "$delay"
printf '\033[s\033[u[ — ] %s\033[u' "$str"; sleep "$delay"
printf '\033[s\033[u[ \ ] %s\033[u' "$str"; sleep "$delay"
printf '\033[s\033[u[ | ] %s\033[u' "$str"; sleep "$delay"
printf '\033[s\033[u%*s\033[u\033[0m' $((${#str}+6)) " " # return to normal
tput cnorm # restore cursor
return 0
## simple example with sleep
sleep 5 &
spinner $!
(it displays in blue -- but you can delete the first printf
to remove the color)