I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL database from Classic ASP page, when I write VBScript code in it the website is giving HTTP 500 Internal Server
Error. I checked with the host they are saying its not an error from their end.
Please help me.
dim myConnection
dim connectString
username = "bla"
password = "bla"
database = "bla"
host = "bla"
Set myConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RSTitleList = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
connectString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER="&host&"; DATABASE="&database&"; UID="&username&";PASSWORD="&password&"; OPTION=3"
**myConnection.Open connectString ---- HERE I'M GETTING ERROR. ABOVE CODE IS WORKING FINE.**
Set RSTitleList = myConnection.Execute( "Select * From questions") %>
<!-- Begin our column header row -->
<!-- Ok, let's get our data now -->
<% do while not RStitleList.EOF %>
<p> <%=RStitleList("id")%>).
<b><%=RSTitleList("question") %></b>      <%=RSTitleList("answer") %> <!--<a href="emailaddress.htm">-->More►<!--</a>--> <br>
<p>     <font color="purple"> answered by </font> <b>Sadhu</b> on 1-10-2015 </p>
<% RSTitleList.MoveNext%>
<%loop %>
OK, you've found the underlying error message (on the server). Thank you. It's important:
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user 'bla'@'' (using password: YES)
Since you're getting "access denied", and since a MySQL identity" is a combination of username + host, this means one of three things:
You're passing mySQL the wrong username...
... And/or you're logging in from a host that hasn't been granted access...
... And/or you're passing mySql the wrong password
Normally, the best way to troubleshoot would be with the mysql command-line client. I'm guessing this is probably not an option for you.
Another way might be Control Panel > ODBC > Test Connection:
- Simplest Way to Test ODBC on WIndows
But this might not an option either, if your IIS webserver and MySQL database are co-located on the remote server (instead of local).
Here are some other suggestions for troubleshooting your mySQL username/password:
MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
MySQL - ERROR 1045 - Access denied
1045 access denied for user - MySQL error
You can also work with your hosting provider to verify the combination username + host(s) + password you're using to authenticate to mySql.