Ruby Regex to round trailing zeros

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-11 05:26:09


I'm looking for a regex to remove trailing zeros from decimal numbers. It should return the following results:

0.0002300 -> 0.00023
10.002300 -> 10.0023
100.0     -> 100
1000      -> 1000
0.0       -> 0
0         -> 0

Basically, it should remove trailing zeros and trailing decimal point if the fraction part is 0. It should also return 0 when that's the value. Any thoughts? thanks.


Try the regex:


and replace it with:


A demo:

tests = ['0.0002300', '10.002300', '100.0', '1000', '0.0', '0']
tests.each { |tst|
  print tst, " -> ", tst.sub(/(?:(\..*[^0])0+|\.0+)$/, '\1'), "\n"

which produces:

0.0002300 -> 0.00023
10.002300 -> 10.0023
100.0 -> 100
1000 -> 1000
0.0 -> 0
0 -> 0

Or you could simply do "%g" % tst to drop the trailing zeros:

tests = ['0.0002300', '10.002300', '100.0', '1000', '0.0', '0']
tests.each { |tst|
  s = "%g" % tst
  print tst, " -> ", s, "\n"

which produces the same output.


just another way


