I'm working through the 'Ruby On Rails 3 Essential Training' and have received a problem when using name scopes. When finding records and using queries withing the Rails console everything went smoothly until I tried to use a name scope in my subject.rb file. This is my code in the subject.rb file.
Class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :visible, where(:visible => true)
I saved the .rb file and restarted my Rails console but when I run from my rails console:
subjects = Subject.visible
I get: ArgumentError: The scope body needs to be callable.
Does anyone know why I'm getting this error.
The scope's body needs to be wrapped in something callable like a Proc or Lambda:
scope :visible, -> {
where(:visible => true)
The reason for this is that it ensures the contents of the block is evaluated each time the scope is used.
I got the same error , while before my solution I had a space between where
and (
like below
scope :registered , -> { where ( place_id: :place_id , is_registered: :true ) }
after i removed the space between where
and (
like below i made my page working
scope :registered , -> { where( place_id: :place_id , is_registered: :true ) }
Yes, indeed, this is rails 4 way of calling scopes. You'd need to change it, if you're upgrading to Rails 4 from Rails 3.
What you are using: scope :visible, where(:visible => true)
goes for eager loading, and has been deprecated in Rails 4.
scope :visible, where(:visible => true)
This line of code gets evaluated when the particular class is loaded, and not at the time, this very scope
is called.
There are a few cases when this thing does matter, like:
scope :future, where('published_at > ?', Time.now)
scope :future, -> { where('published_at > ?', Time.now) }
In first case, ?
will be replaced with the very time the class would have been loaded, but the second & correct case, that time will be used at which the scope would have been called on the class.