I developed a Firebase Cloud function that processes several manipulations on uploaded images. My code is based on this documentation article and this Cloud Function example. Hence, it is using Google Cloud Storage package.
It is working fine almost all the time, but sometimes I am getting this error when uploading to or deleting from Storage :
Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11)
at TLSWrap.onread (net.js:569:26)
I am using the default bucket of my application, referenced by event.data.bucket
Let me know if you need additional information or code snippets, even if my code is really close to the Function example I linked before.
I found this GitHub issue, but I checked that I am returning a promise everytime. For example, here is the deletion part that triggers the error :
exports.exampleFunction = functions.storage.object().onChange(event => {
return f_thumbnails.exampleFunction(event);
module.exports = exports = function (_admin, _config) {
admin = _admin;
config = _config;
return {
"exampleFunction": function (event) {
return exampleFunction(event);
const exampleFunction = function (event) {
const gcsSourceFilePath = event.data.name;
const gcsSourceFilePathSplit = gcsSourceFilePath.split('/');
const gcsBaseFolder = gcsSourceFilePathSplit.length > 0 ? gcsSourceFilePathSplit[0] : '';
const gcsSourceFileName = gcsSourceFilePathSplit.pop();
const gceSourceFileDir = gcsSourceFilePathSplit.join('/') + (gcsSourceFilePathSplit.length > 0 ? '/' : '');
// Not an image
if (!event.data.contentType.startsWith('image/')) {
console.log('Not an image !');
// Thumbnail
if (gcsSourceFileName.startsWith(config.IMAGES_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX)) {
console.log('Thumbnail !');
const bucket = gcs.bucket(event.data.bucket);
const gcsThumbnailFilePath = gceSourceFileDir + config.IMAGES_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX + gcsSourceFileName;
// File deletion
if (event.data.resourceState === 'not_exists') {
console.log('Thumbnail deletion : ' + gcsThumbnailFilePath);
return bucket.file(gcsThumbnailFilePath).delete().then(() => {
console.log('Deleted thumbnail ' + gcsThumbnailFilePath);
This seems to be related to the google-cloud-node
library's handling of sockets, and the default socket timeout in the Cloud Functions environment.
One solution verified by a user is to modify the way the library invokes requests
, to not keep the socket open forever by specifying forever: false
, eg.
var request = require('request').defaults({
timeout: 60000,
gzip: true,
forever: false,
pool: {
maxSockets: Infinity
This is hardcoded in packages/common/src/utils.js, so you'll need to vendor a copy of the modified library into your project rather than include it as an NPM dependency. See the related public issue for more details on the issue and a link to a fork with the patch applied.