import threading import time def show(arg): time.sleep(1) print('thread' + str(arg)) for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=show, args=(i,)) t.start() print('main thread stop')
import threading class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): print("线程开始运行") t1 = MyThread() t1.start()
- start 线程准备就绪,等待CPU调度
- setName 为线程设置名称
- getName 获取线程名称
- setDaemon 设置为后台线程或前台线程(默认) t.setDaemon(True) 必须在 t.start() 之前调用
如果是前台线程,主线程执行过程中,前台线程也在进行,主线程执行完毕后,等待前台线程也执行完成后,程序停止 - join 逐个执行每个线程,执行完毕后继续往下执行,该方法使得多线程变得无意义
- run 线程被cpu调度后自动执行线程对象的run方法
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import time def foo(i): time.sleep(1) print(i) pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(2) #线程池 pool2 = ProcessPoolExecutor(2) #进程池 if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): pool.submit(foo, i)
#pool.submit(get_page,detail_url).add_done_callback(call_back_function) #设置回调函数
import threading import time gl_num = 0 lock = threading.RLock() def Func(): lock.acquire() global gl_num try: gl_num += 1 print(gl_num) finally: #防止死锁 lock.release() for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=Func) t.start()
互斥锁 同时只允许一个线程更改数据,而Semaphore是同时允许一定数量的线程更改数据 ,比如厕所有3个坑,那最多只允许3个人上厕所,后面的人只能等里面有人出来了才能再进去。
import threading, time semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(2) # 最多允许2个线程同时运行 def run(n): semaphore.acquire() time.sleep(1) print("run the thread: %s" % n) semaphore.release() if __name__ == '__main__': num = 0 for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.start()
python线程的事件用于主线程控制其他线程的执行,事件主要提供了三个方法 set、wait、clear。
事件处理的机制:全局定义了一个“Flag”,如果“Flag”值为 False,那么当程序执行 event.wait 方法时就会阻塞,如果“Flag”值为True,那么event.wait 方法时便不再阻塞。
- clear:将“Flag”设置为False
- set:将“Flag”设置为True
import threading def do(event_obj): print( 'start') event_obj.wait() print('execute') event_obj = threading.Event() #创建event对象 for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=do, args=(event_obj,)) t.start() event_obj.clear() #默认Flag为False inp = input('input:') if inp == 'true': event_obj.set()
acquire([timeout])/release(): 调用关联的锁的相应方法。
wait([timeout]): 调用这个方法将使线程进入Condition的等待池等待通知,并释放锁。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notify(): 调用这个方法将从等待池挑选一个线程并通知,收到通知的线程将自动调用acquire()尝试获得锁定(进入锁定池);其他线程仍然在等待池中。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notifyAll(): 调用这个方法将通知等待池中所有的线程,这些线程都将进入锁定池尝试获得锁定。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
import threadingdef run(n): con.acquire() #用来加锁 con.wait() #用来接收通知 print("run the thread: %s" % n) con.release()if __name__ == '__main__': con = threading.Condition() for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while True: inp = input('>>>') #输入数字 if inp == 'q': break con.acquire() con.notify(int(inp)) #执行inp个线程(此时有10个线程开启了,notify会挑选inp个线程进行通知) # con.notify() #默认通知一个 con.release()
#优点类似yield import threading import time import datetime num = 0 con = threading.Condition() class Gov(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): super(Gov, self).__init__() def run(self): global num con.acquire() while True: print("开始拉升股市") num += 1 print("拉升了" + str(num) + "个点") time.sleep(2) if num == 5: print("暂时安全!") con.notify() con.wait() con.release() class Consumers(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): super(Consumers, self).__init__() def run(self): global num con.acquire() while True: if num > 0: print("开始打压股市") num -= 1 print("打压了" + str(num) + "个点") time.sleep(2) if num == 0: print("你妹的!天台在哪里!") con.notify() con.wait() con.release() if __name__ == '__main__': p = Gov() c = Consumers() p.start() c.start()
import threading def condition_func(): ret = False inp = input('>>>') if inp == '1': ret = True return ret def run(n): con.acquire() con.wait_for(condition_func) print("run the thread: %s" %n) con.release() if __name__ == '__main__': con = threading.Condition() for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.start()
from threading import Timer def hello(): print("hello, world") t = Timer(1, hello) t.start()
from multiprocessing import Process def foo(i): print('say hi', i) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): p = Process(target=foo, args=(i,)) p.start()
from multiprocessing import Process li = [] def foo(i): li.append(i) #每个进程都有一份li,并将自己的[i]append进去 print('say hi', li,i) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): p = Process(target=foo, args=(i,)) p.start() import time time.sleep(2) print('ending', li) #主进程的li为空
方法一:利用Arrayfrom multiprocessing import Process, Array temp = Array('i', [11, 22, 33, 44]) def Foo(temp,i): temp[i] = 100 + i #需要将temp传递给每一个进程实现数据共享(利用Array) print(temp[:]) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(2): p = Process(target=Foo, args=(temp,i,)) p.start() p.join() print(temp[:])
方法二,利用Manage from multiprocessing import Process, Manager import multiprocessing lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def Foo(dic,i): dic[i] = "b" if __name__ == '__main__': manage = Manager() dic = manage.dict() for i in range(2): p = Process(target=Foo, args=(dic,i,)) p.start() p.join() #猜测目的是让主进程不能断,可能会对dic造成影响。 print(dic)
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue def f(i,q): q.put(i) if __name__ == '__main__': q = Queue() for i in range(10): p = Process(target=f, args=(i,q,)) p.start() while True: print(q.get())
from multiprocessing import Process, Array, RLock def Foo(lock,temp,i): lock.acquire() temp[i] = 100+i print(temp[:],i) lock.release() lock = RLock() temp = Array('i', [11, 22, 33, 44]) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(4): p = Process(target=Foo, args=(lock, temp, i,)) p.start()
from multiprocessing import Process, Pool import time def Foo(i): time.sleep(1) return i + 100 def Bar(arg): print(arg) if __name__ == '__main__': pool = Pool(5) # print(pool.apply(Foo, (1,))) #apply是阻塞的,所以进入子进程执行后,等待当前子进程执行完毕,在继续执行下一个进程 # print(pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(1,)).get()) #apply_async 是异步非阻塞的。有系统调用进程切换 for i in range(10): pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,), callback=Bar) pool.close() pool.join() # 进程池中进程执行完毕后再关闭,如果注释,那么程序直接关闭。 print('end')
from greenlet import greenlet def test1(): print(1) gr2.switch() print(2) gr2.switch() def test2(): print(3) gr1.switch() print(4) gr1 = greenlet(test1) gr2 = greenlet(test2) gr1.switch()
import gevent def foo(): print('start foo') gevent.sleep(0) #目的造成io堵塞,让线程切换到bar函数上 print('end foo') def bar(): print('start bar') gevent.sleep(0) print('end bar') gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(foo), gevent.spawn(bar), ])
from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() #必须加 import gevent import requests def f(url): print('GET: %s' % url) response = requests.request(url=url,method="GET") data = response.text print('%d bytes received from %s.' % (len(data), url)) gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(f, ''), gevent.spawn(f, ''), gevent.spawn(f, ''), ])
使用猴子补丁的方式,gevent能够修改标准库里面大部分的阻塞式系统调用,包括socket、ssl、threading和 select等模块,而变为协作式运行。也就是通过猴子补丁的monkey.patch_xxx()来将python标准库中模块或函数改成gevent中的响应的具有协程的协作式对象。这样在不改变原有代码的情况下,将应用的阻塞式方法,变成协程式的。
import socket import select from gevent import monkey print(socket.socket) monkey.patch_socket() print(socket.socket,'after socket') print(,) monkey.patch_select() print(,"after select")