One of the nice things relational databases support are the aggregate functions like count, sum, avg etc. But it seems that if you are using GAE, when inserting or updating a record you must calculate and store the count, sum, avg, etc. values of the whole table. But what if you have many conditional groupings? Given a Person:
class Person {
Integer age;
String city;
If I want
- the total number of persons and
- the average age
Is it correct that everytime I create, update or delete a person I should also calculate both aggregates and store them as separate columns in the same table. If I also want the total and average values per city, should I store these values for each city also as separate columns in the same table?
Right: to use GAE storage properly, you need to selectively de-normalize some aspects of your model, keeping "redundant" data which, in a DB in normal form, you'd recompute on the fly, such as aggregates (overall and "grouped by" ones).
However, don't add such fields to the Person
table in your case -- that makes little sense! Make another PersonAggregates
table with columns such as City (null/missing for overall totals), Count, TotalAges (easier to maintain: compute the average at any time as total divided by count).
For frequently used aggregates the best is to update them on every update/insert/delete.
If you haven't designed such aggregates into your application from the start, you can run a script via Remote DataStore API or set up a server-side cron job that will process all entities and calculate the aggregates. It is fairly easy, just keep in mind per-request CPU quota.