I want to create function wich handles question: 05:00:00 - 28:59:59 time format
When I run script from that question it's working but when I run the function:
pal <- NormalDates(data,Date,Time.start)
Error in unclass(e1) + unclass(e2) :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
Called from: `+.POSIXt`(as.POSIXct(as.character(df$day), format = "%d.%m.%Y"),
sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$time), ":"), function(t) {
t <- as.integer(t)
t[3] + t[2] * 60 + t[1] * 60 * 60
How can I get rid of this error?
My function:
NormalDates <- function(df,day,time) {
# Function transforms 05:00:00 - 28:59:59 time to usual date vector
# Args:
# df: data frame that contains datasheet
# date: column name with date
# time: column name with time
# Returns:
# Vector with normal dates of class "POSIXct"
# Error handling
if (class(df) != "data.frame") {
stop("Not a data.frame object")
arguments <- as.list(match.call())
day = eval(arguments$day, df)
time = eval(arguments$time, df)
#New date vector generating
pal <- as.POSIXct(as.character(df$day), format="%d.%m.%Y") +
sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$time), ":"), function(t) {
t <- as.integer(t)
t[3] + t[2] * 60 + t[1] * 60 * 60