I've got a problem with this code snippet:
var view = sap.ui.view({id:"idHome1", viewName:"dashboard.Home", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});
var oButton = sap.ui.getCore().byId("oChart_Button");
cancel: false
I can't drag my button, because of the ErroMessage in the title. I've got this example from the internet, and for the people who comment this blog the code runs. The button exists, with console.log(oButton)
I get a message with it's properties and so on.
Any one a solution?
Use getDomRef to get DOM element of your UI5 control. So, your code will be something like this.
var oButton = sap.ui.getCore().byId("oChart_Button");
var el = oButton.getDomRef();
cancel: false
jQuery selectors allow you to select and manipulate HTML element(s).
When you do $(oButton)
you are passing SAPUI5 Button
object to jQuery selector, which will not work. So, to get respective HTML DOM element of UI5 Button
control, getDomRef
is used.
So, why your button is not draggable even after passing DOM to jQuery selector?
This might be happening because first you are loading third party library for jQuery-Ui for draggable functionality.
Then, after that SAPUI5
library is loaded, so functions only from SAPUI5
library are available.
So, to overcome this, we can load the third party library after UI5 library within body of your HTML