I have this functionality for highlighting certain characters in the HTML of my component:
highlightQuery() {
// will output the text response from the Model, but also highlight relevant words if they match the search query
// that the user input
let input = this.props.model.get('value');
return input;
let query = this.props.matched.query,
index = this.props.model.get('searchIndexes')[this.props.matched.index];
const replaceBetween = (str, start, end, what) => {
return str.substring(0, start) + what + str.substring(start + end);
let ret = replaceBetween(input, index, query.length, `<span class='highlighted'>${query}</span>`);
return ret;
render() {
return (
<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ {__html: this.highlightQuery()} }></span>
So as you can see, if there's no match in this component's value
then just return the input
contents, else, wrap the matched text in a <span />
What I'm after, is to avoid using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
. Is this possible?
I'm not sure this will perfectly answer your question but I would do this to avoid dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
render() {
highlightQuery() {
let input = this.props.model.get('value');
return input;
let query = this.props.matched.query,
index = this.props.model.get('searchIndexes')[this.props.matched.index];
const replaceBetween = (str, start, end, what) => {
return str.substring(0, start) + what + str.substring(start + end);
let ret = replaceBetween(input, index, query.length, `<span class='highlighted'>${query}</span>`);
return ret;
var mycontent = highlightQuery();
return (
<span> {mycontent} </span>
hope it helps
Edit: I think I understand what you've meant now but in my opinion it doens't change the strategy, you work inside the render, choose your content and render it. (or maybe I still don't get it.. =p)
Is there any reason highlightQuery cannot return a react element?
highlightQuery(input,query, index) {
// will output the text response from the Model, but also highlight relevant words if they match the search query
// that the user input
var before = input.substring(0, index);
var after = input.substring(index + query.length);
return <span>{before}<span class='highlighted'>{query}</span>{after}</span>;
render() {
var input = this.props.model.get('value');
var query = this.props.matched.query;
var index = this.props.model.get('searchIndexes')[this.props.matched.index];
return <span>{input}</span>;
} else {
return highlightQuery(input, query, index);