I am trying to connect my ESP8266, running the latest NodeMCU build, to a Microsoft Azure IoT Hub via MQTT Protocol.
It appears that this is possible, as it is shown here...
I am using the correct syntax as far as I can see from the MS Azure help...
Unlike the example in ThingLabs, which creates a SAS token using NodeMCU, I have followed the MS document and generated a SAS token using the Device Explorer, for testing purposes.
My LUA code is as follows...
-- Create variables
DEVICE = "testdevice"
IOTHUB = "mynewiothub.azure-devices.net"
PORT = 8883
USER = IOTHUB.."/"..DEVICE.."/api-version=2016-11-14"
PASS = "SharedAccessSignature sr=mynewiothub.azure-devices.net%2Fdevices%2Ftestdevice&sig=Roa5P8BPiGj...v2Vu%2Bm1j9sas%3D&se=1485704099"
-- Create an MQTT Client
azure = mqtt.Client(DEVICE, 60, USER, PASS)
-- Connect to IoTHub via MQTT
azure:connect(IOTHUB, PORT, 1, 0,
-- Callback for a successful connection
-- Error callback, if connection fails
function(client, reason)
print("Error Connecting: "..reason)
The response is always Error Connecting: -5
which translates to "There is no broker listening at the specified IP Address and Port".
I suspected that NodeMCU was struggling with the SSL (port 8883) connection. So I ensured that I was able to make HTTPS connections (after verifying the SSL root certificate) with the following code, this worked but did not help.
http.get("https://example.com/info", nil,
function (code, resp)
print(code, resp)
I cannot seem to get this to work! @Marcel Stör - any thoughts?
Many thanks in advance.
I had the same error Error Connecting: -5
, I have set the time on the ESP and it fix this error.
You will find some information about sntp on http://thinglabs.io/workshop/esp8266/sending-d2c-messages/ (as you mention it).