I have a patchset subtractset
and some of patches have turtles on it.
Now, I wish to create turtles on only those patches which have different x-cor
and y-cor
as the patches.
Note: This is different from below code:
distribute-turtles (population * percent) subtractset with[count turtles-here = 0]
as here a turtle maybe on patch and still have different x-cor
and y-cor
as the patch.
Thanks. Please let me if there is some ambiguity in my question.
Patches have integer coordinates so one way would be to check if the turtles coordinates are integers. round xcor = xcor and round ycor = ycor
Is true iff the turtle is centered on a patch
Or because turtles have access to patch variables
xcor = pxcor and ycor = pycor
Which is more pleasing to my eye and probably faster.
You could put it in a procedure.
To-report centered
Report xcor = pxcor and ycor = pycor