I'm trying to copy the data from a Sesame repository to another triplestore. I tried the following query:
ADD <http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-workbench/repositories/rep_name> TO <http://dydra.com/username/rep_name>
The query gets executed with output as 'true' but no triples are added.
So, I tried a similar query to see if I can move data from one Sesame repository to another using SPARQL Update:
ADD <http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-workbench/repositories/source_rep> TO <http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-workbench/repositories/destination_rep>
Again, the query gets executed but no triples are added.
What am I doing incorrectly here? Is the URL I am using for repositories OK or does something else need to be changed?
operation copies named graphs (or 'contexts', as they are known in Sesame). The update operates on a single repository (the one on which you execute it) - it doesn't copy data from one repository to the other.
To copy data from one repository to the other via a SPARQL update, you need to use an INSERT
operation with a SERVICE
INSERT { ?s ?p ?o }
SERVICE <http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/rep_name> { ?s ?p ?o }
(note that the above will not preserve context / named graph information from your source repo)
Alternatively, you can just copy over via the API, or via the Workbench by using http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/rep_name/statements
as the URL of the RDF file you wish to upload. More details on this in my answer to this related question.