How do I build Google Crashpad into Shared (Dynamic) Libraries?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-06 08:11:22


Problem Summary

I'm trying to integrate Google Crashpad, (successor of Google Breakpad) a crash reporting system, into a software suite that links to all of its external libraries dynamically. My problem is that the default of Crashpad is to build as a static library - I need to build it dynamically.

After cloning Crashpad, GN is used to generate the .ninja files for the build. The build commands are as follows:

$ gn gen out/Default

The above command generates all of the .ninja files.

(Aside) To generate Visual Studio solution files (.sln), the following generation command can be used instead:

$ gn gen out/Default --ide=vs

To compile:

$ ninja -C out/Default

What I've Tried

  1. This StackOverflow Question answers the same question, suggesting that you can simply modify the outputted .ninja files' link flags (/MT changed to /MD). However, grepping over all of the outputted files shows that no such flags exist.

  2. Backtrace Integration Guide has a link to pre-built dynamically (shared) libraries of crashpad here. However, they appear to have built those libraries with Visual Studio 2017, using a newer toolset (v141) than I can use. I need to re-build Crashpad for dynamic linking, and using Visual Studio 2015 (v140).


The output of:

$ gn gen out/Default

will create a file called, which contains lines that tell your specified compiler how to compile your projects. In the case of Crashpad, they look like this:

rule cc command = ninja -t msvc -e environment.amd64 -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes ${defines} ${include_dirs} ${cflags} ${cflags_c} /c ${in} /Fo${out} /Fd"${target_out_dir}/${label_name}_c.pdb" description = CC ${out} deps = msvc

rule cxx command = ninja -t msvc -e environment.amd64 -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes ${defines} ${include_dirs} ${cflags} ${cflags_c} /c ${in} /Fo${out} /Fd"${target_out_dir}/${label_name}_cc.pdb" description = CXX ${out} deps = msvc

For the Visual Studio MSVC 2015 / 2017 compiler, you can add the /MD flag to each command line above. This will compile the library dynamically. For example:

command = ninja -t msvc -e environment.amd64 -- cl.exe /MD /nologo /showIncludes ${defines} ${include_dirs} ${cflags} ${cflags_c} /c ${in} /Fo${out} /Fd"${target_out_dir}/${label_name}_cc.pdb"

