I am creating a recurring event app where certain users (streamers) can schedule recurring weekly events (streams) and other users (viewers) can follow them. The result is a personalized weekly calendar detailing when all followed streamers' events begin and end.
However, because viewers can follow an infinite number of streamers and therefore the resulting calendar would look like a hot mess. So I added a boolean attribute to the relationships table that indicates whether the relationship has been favorited.
create_table "relationships", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "follower_id"
t.integer "followed_id"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.boolean "favorited", default: false
t.index ["followed_id"], name: "index_relationships_on_followed_id"
t.index ["follower_id", "followed_id"], name: "index_relationships_on_follower_id_and_followed_id", unique: true
t.index ["follower_id"], name: "index_relationships_on_follower_id"
This way, viewers will have a second personalized calendar that will show only favorited streamers' events.
I already have a follow and unfollow method that successfully create and destroy a relationship between viewer and streamer, but I'm having trouble successfully updating an existing relationship from unfavorited to favorited.
test "should favorite and unfavorite a streamer" do
yennifer = users(:yennifer)
cirilla = users(:cirilla)
yennifer.favorite(cirilla) #user_test.rb:151
The testing suite returns the following error and I can't figure out what the missing argument is.
["test_should_favorite_and_unfavorite_a_streamer", #<Minitest::Reporters::Suite:0x0000000006125da8 @name="UserTest">, 0.16871719993650913]
test_should_favorite_and_unfavorite_a_streamer#UserTest (0.17s)
ArgumentError: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
app/models/relationship.rb:11:in `favorite'
app/models/user.rb:124:in `favorite'
test/models/user_test.rb:151:in `block in <class:UserTest>'
27/27: [=================================] 100% Time: 00:00:01, Time: 00:00:01
Finished in 1.82473s
27 tests, 71 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
# Follows a user
def follow(other_user)
active_relationships.create(followed_id: other_user.id)
# Unfollows a user
def unfollow(other_user)
active_relationships.find_by(followed_id: other_user.id).destroy
def favorite(other_user)
active_relationships.find_by(followed_id: other_user.id).favorite #user.rb:124
def unfavorite(other_user)
active_relationships.find_by(followed_id: other_user.id).unfavorite
def favorite
update_attribute(favorited: true) #relationship.rb:11
def unfavorite
update_attribute(favorited: false)
Can someone please help me in identifying the missing argument and fixing this problem. Thank you.
The first comment on this answer is correct, so I don't know why this person posted as a comment rather than an answer. update_attribute takes two arguments and you are passing it a single hash argument. Your "favorite" method is the equivalent of
update_attribute({favorited: true})
when you really want update_attribute(:favorited, true)