With string interpolation, how do you handle variables piped into a command that contain spaces in them? For example, if you have a variable that has spaces in it (like a UNC path), how do you handle that?
This code works when no spaces are present in the "filePath" variable (i.e.; \ServerName\testfile.txt):
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", $"use X: \\{filePath} {pwd /USER:{usr}").WaitForExit();
As soon as you encounter a path that has spaces in it, however, the command above no longer works, because it's unable to find the path. Normally, I would apply quotes around a path containing spaces, to counter this (in other languages like PowerShell). How do you do something similar with C# interpolation.
You would do this in c# just the way you would in the command line
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", $"use X: \"\\{filePath}\" {pwd /USER:{usr}").WaitForExit();
It doesn't have anything to do with string interpolation, it has to do with how the executable parses the command line. Single arguments that have spaces in them (like a path) should be wrapped in quotes so they're treated as one argument and not several.
You can add quotes inside a string by escaping the quote character with a backslash character (\"
var filePath = @"\\server\share\directory with spaces";
var usr = $"{Environment.UserDomainName}\\{Environment.UserName}";
.Start("net.exe", $"use X: \"{filePath}\" pwd /USER:{usr}")
This is also true without string interpolation:
.Start("net.exe", string.Format("use X: \"{0}\" pwd /USER:{1}", filePath, usr))