i am having an issue with this code so all the tarif = x; is underlined when i run the program, but i don't see how i could solve this and exactly what is the error ? thank you for your help !
double saaq::Camion::tarificationAnnuelle() const
double tarif;
if(m_nbEssieux == 2 && m_poids >= 3001 && m_poids <= 4000)
tarif = 570,28;
if(m_nbEssieux == 2 && m_poids >= 4001)
tarif = 905,28;
if(m_nbEssieux == 4)
tarif = 2206,19;
if(m_nbEssieux == 5)
tarif = 2821,76;
if(m_nbEssieux >= 6)
tarif = 3729,76;
return tarif;
It's an obvious typo when you write double constant:
tarif = 570,28;
should be
tarif = 570.28;
that applies to all other double assignments..
Also you should initialise your tarif
double tarif = 0;