I have page 1 from which I open a modal dialog page - page 2. Now when I close the modal dialog, I want to be redirected to page 3. On page 2 I have a button that has a dynamic action defined where on button click two actions take pace: Page Submit (with an after submit branch out to page 3) and Close dialog. Once I click on the button, dialog closes but the user stays on page 1, not going to page 3.
If you have branch, you don't need to close dialog..
Another option is to travel through pages using PL/SQL-JS combination that redirects to URL after running code on server.
- create a hidden, unprotected item called P2_TARGET
- create a button with action defined by dynamic action,
add a dynamic action onClick for that button, with two true actions:
a. Execute PL/SQL code, submit P2_Item, return P2_TARGET
declare js_code varchar(4000); begin js_code := REGEXP_REPLACE( APEX_PAGE.GET_URL ( p_page => 3, p_clear_cache => 3, p_items => 'P3_Item', p_values => :P2_Item ) ,'\,this\)' ,q'<,$('#p1Region'))>' -- jQuery of event source ); apex_util.set_session_state('P2_TARGET', js_code); end;
b. Execute Javascript code:
and that's supposed to do the trick