I have a dictionary where key is a String and element is a List
I want to create a group from every key with elements from element. But I don`t know how to make it
Collection of grouped items displayed by this page, bound to a subset
of the complete item list because items in groups cannot be virtualized
<GridView ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource groupedItemsViewSource}}"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding name}"
Foreground="White" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
<TextBlock Text="Test 123" Foreground="Gold" />
<VariableSizedWrapGrid Orientation="Vertical" />
In loop I create the dictionary
groups.Add(this.letters[i], items);
and after that I have
groupedItemsViewSource.Source = groups;
But I get nothing. How should I correct this to have a key as group title and every list as a list of elements in this grid ??
Ok I found that making List> instead of Dictionary is better. I get now 3 group headers (cause I got 3 lists in my list) but have no items. IMO this is better way than the first
// EDIT 2 I didn`t see items cause background and foreground were white. Stupid me :) But now I have last problem to solve. How to dynamicly set groups titles ?
You actually don't have to create custom classes to enable grouping. In fact you can use LINQ to do it for you:
var result = from act in Activities group act by act.Project into grp orderby grp.Key select grp;
cvsActivities.Source = result;
In order to show grouped items in a GridView you must use CollectionViewSource. Just setting the groups as the GridView.ItemsSource will not work. You must set GridView.ItemsSource = a CollectionViewSource and CollectionViewSource must point to the groups. You will also likely have to set CollectionViewSource.IsSourceGrouped = true.
Dictionary doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged which is required if you want your binding work
public class yourclass
public string Key { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
ObservableCollection<yourclass> dict = new ObservableCollection<MyCustomClass>();
dict.Add(new yourclass{Key = "yourkey", Value = whatyouwant});
dict.Add(new yourclass{ Key = "yourkey2", Value = whatyouwant });