Ckeditor uploadimage 404 error / plugin setup

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-05 06:31:30


I'm trying to add the adding of images into with the editor, with drag 'n drop.

I wanted to update CK editor anyway, so after some reading I created a new CKeditor download via the package building, including the plugin uploadimage -

When I try to drag 'n drop an image in it, I'll see a green bar saying upload succesful and for less then a second I see the image in the editor. Then a red bar is showing. saying: 'HTTP error occurred during file upload (404: File not found).'

I have this in the ckeditor config.js:

config.uploadUrl = '/upload/';

As I assumed this was the path were the images are uploaded. The folder is created and for testing I have set its permissions to 777.

As this is not working I assume I did something wrong here, or that I'm missing something in the configuration. But via the documentation I don't see what it might be.

I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

On a side note, I do not need/want a file browser. A little context -> this editor will be used by logged in users. I do not want one user be able to see images from the other and the input text in only used once, so no need to find earlier images as for this particular use the user will only use this editor once for setup. This is why I tought the uploadimage plugin would fit best for my needs.

Kind regards,



Based on the documentation of ckeditor:

The uploadUrl setting contains the location of a script that handles file uploads of pasted and dragged images

This is not the folder in your server that you want to upload the files to. This should be the script that handles the submit of the file that should be uploaded, and this script is the one who handle the saving of the file in the relevant folder on the server.

This plugin only covers the client side (what happen in the browser) and not the server side (which you need to implement by yourself).

