couldn't find anything what relates to my problem hopefully someone has a link or the right answer.
Currently learning reactjs and trying to create a react-bootstrap-table to display some data. So the problem I have is with the checkBox.
The first problem I encounter is that I need to click the cell of the checkbox before I can change the state of the checkbox what is really anoying. I want to be able to just click it to check or uncheck it.
The Second is if you have some nice link how I can make it so that the column refrences
is only editable if the checkbox is checked. I saw an example which seemed to do that but I didn't manage to get it to work.
const criteriaCovered = [
'Automated acceptance test',
'Developer test',
'Manual acceptance test',
'Unit test'
const cellEditProp = {
mode: 'click',
blurToSave: true
function checkBoxFormat (cell,row)
return (
<input type="checkbox" ref="criticalData" checked={cell} />
const element = (
<BootstrapTable data={ac} cellEdit={cellEditProp}>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='name' isKey={true}
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='changeType' editable={{type:
'select', options: {values: ['Functionality','Layout']}}}
width="15%">Change Type</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='criticalData' className="checkbox-
cell" dataFormat={checkBoxFormat} editable={{type:
'checkbox', options: {values: 'true:false'}}}
dataAlign="right" width="15%">Critical
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='criteriaCoveredBy' editable=
{{type: 'select', options: {values: criteriaCovered}}}
width="25%">Criteria covered by</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='refrences'
Excuse me for my english writing, please. It's my second language and I still need to improve on it a lot.
The Thread can be closed. As suggested by tibuurcio I am using now components in combination with a bootstrap-table, what seems to be working fine. However couldn't figure out how to fix the checkboxes to only display a checkbox instead of the value. I found a nice example code for the usage of bootstrap-table with component. If I find the link I will link it here.