I've write a pure static blog without jekyll engine, it is pure js static blog.
I want to push my js blog to github pages, unfortunately it will parse YAML and get such an error:
Your site is having problems building: There was a YAML syntax error on line 3 column 14 in : mapping values are not allowed in this context. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-invalid-yaml-in-data-file.
How to stop github pages from parsing YAML?
I found a solution by trial-and-error. If you put a YML comment as the first few lines, Jekyll will not process it.
# Comment
- hosts: all
In my case, I was trying to serve static .yml ansible playbooks and Jekyll kept parsing "{{ item.name }}"
into ""
when the files were downloaded.
If you want to disable jekyll, add an empty file .nojekyll at the root of github page repo.
touch .nojekyll
git add .
git push